KitKey 2.0.5
Key-value store server and client. Either in-process or as a service with accompanying nuget packages.
#Cache, #Database, #Key Value, #Message Broker, #Nosql
Downloads: |
113 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
3/26/2025 |
License: |
MIT License |
CatMQ 2.3.5
A high-performance and reliable persistent message queue designed for efficient inter-process communication, task queuing, load balancing, and data buffering over TCP/IP.
#Fifo, #Load Balancing, #Message Broker, #Message Queue, #Messaging, #Queue
Downloads: |
233 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
3/26/2025 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.Permafrost 2.2.0
The NetworkDLS original symmetric cipher algorithm ported to C#.
#Algorithms, #Cryptography, #Encryption, #Streaming, #Symmetric Encryption
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
3/23/2025 |
License: |
MIT License |
TightWiki 2.21.4
The Open Source Wiki Platform for .NET (Windows, Linux, and Mac)
#ASP, #Aspnet Mvc, #CMS, #Content Management, #Documentation Tool, #Dokuwiki, #Dotnet, #Mvc, #Mvvm, #Netcore, #Search, #Showcase, #Sql, #Sqlite, #Sqlite3, #Sqlserver, #Syntax Highlighting, #Wiki, #Wiki Engine
Downloads: |
819 |
User Rating: |
5/5 |
Last Update: |
3/13/2025 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.ReliableMessaging 2.1.5
Reliable and simple two-way IPC/RPC messaging library using TCP/IP.
#Ipc, #Message, #Packetframe, #Rpc, #Stream, #Stream Framework, #Tcpip
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
3/10/2025 |
License: |
MIT License |
SecureChat 1.0.3
Work in progress, not usable. End-to-end encrypted chat program for an uncertain world.
#Aes Encryption, #Chat, #Encryption, #Messenger, #Peer To Peer Chatting, #Public Key Cryptography, #Quantum Resistant Cryptosystems, #Rsa Cryptography, #Security
Downloads: |
25 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
3/5/2025 |
License: |
MIT License |
Helpers for working with WinForms. Getting and setting values, simplifications for invoke, etc.
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
DotNet helper functions.
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
MacroBot 1.0.6
Macro recorder and player for Windows.
#Keyborad, #Keylogger, #Macro, #Macro Recorder, #Mouselogger, #Uncategorized
Downloads: |
296 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
1/6/2025 |
License: |
MIT License |
Katzebase 0.32.0
ACID compliant JSON document-based database engine with SQL language, APIs and GUI.
#database, #json, #nosql, #rdbms, #Unstructured Data, #unstructured-data, #webapi
Downloads: |
484 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
1/4/2025 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.DelegateThreadPooling 1.5.9
High performance active thread pool where work items can be queued as delegate functions. Allows you to easily enqueue infinite FIFO worker items or enforce queue size, wait on collections of those items to complete, and total control over the pool size. Also allows for multiple pools, so that different workloads do not interfere with one another.
#Fifo, #Fifo Queue, #High Performance, #Queue, #Threading, #Threadpool, #Threadpooling
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.Determinet 1.1.5
Determinet is versatile multilayer perception neural network designed for extendibility and genetic-style mutations to allow forward propagation of the network variants.
#Ai, #Machine Learning, #Neural Network
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.ExpressionParser 1.1.5
Expression parser for .net. Supports expression nesting, custom variables, custom functions as well as a ton of built in functions.
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.FastMemoryCache 1.7.11
A fast, easy to use, thread-safe partitioned memory cache for .net that helps manage the memory size and track performance.
#Cache, #Fast Cache, #Managed Cache, #Memory, #Memory Cache, #Partitioned Cache, #Thread Safe
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.MemoryQueue 2.2.13
In memory non-persistent message queue with messaging and query/reply support for inter-process-communication, queuing, load-balancing and buffering.
#Inter Process Communication, #Ipc, #Message Broker, #Message Queue, #Netmq, #Socket Programming, #Tcp Ip, #Zeromq
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
The NetworkDLS original symmetric cipher algorithm ported to C#.
#Algorithms, #Cryptography, #Encryption, #Symmetric Encryption
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.Persistence 1.2.2
Helpers for reading and writing serialized objects to/from files. Helpful for configuration files.
#Disk Io, #Persistence, #Preferences, #Serialization
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.SecureKeyExchange 3.0.2
Easily generate a shared diffie-hellman key in C++ or C#.
#Cryptography, #Diffie Hellman, #Key Exchange, #Key Exchange Algorithms, #Random Key Generator, #Secure
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.Semaphore 3.4.10
Provides various classes for to ensure sequential mult-threaded access to variables or sections of code.
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.SqliteDapperWrapper 1.1.4
Provides a simple interface to a Sqlite database and allows for more advanced options
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.SqlManagedConnectivity 1.3.2
Wraps a native SQL Server connection, allows for easy field/value enumeration and manages cleanup.
#Dapper, #Disposable, #Managed Connectivity, #Sqlserver
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.SqlServerDapperWrapper 1.2.2
Nuget package that makes it super easy to manage connectivity to and talk to SQL Server.
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.DatagramMessaging 1.3.3
Just a friendly UDP packet framing, sending and receiving wrapper. It handles corruption checks, concatenation, fragmentation, serialization and adds compression.
#Datagram, #Framing, #Io, #Network, #Udp
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NTDLS.StreamFraming 1.2.9
Stream wrapper (typically TCPIP/NetworkStream) that enables reliable framing, compression, optional encryption and two way communication.
#Framing, #Io, #Network, #Socket, #Tcp Ip
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
NetTunnel 4.2.6
NetTunnel is a TCP/IP proxy that is designed to work from behind firewalls where the rules cannot be altered.
#.NET, #C-Sharp, #Firewall Avoidance, #Firewall Bypass, #Flagship, #Internet, #IPv4, #IPV6, #Net Tunnel, #Networking, #Port Forwarding, #proxy, #Proxy Server, #Reverse Proxy Server, #Routing, #Server, #Showcase, #Tcpip, #Tunnel, #Tunneling, #Vpn, #Winsock
Downloads: |
856 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/31/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
A secure delete methodology in C/C++
#Algorithm, #Data Destruction, #Delete Files, #Destruction, #Dod, #Low Level, #Secure Delete, #Shredder, #Shredding Algorithms, #Shredding Files, #Wipe Disk, #Wipe Files
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
NetworkDLS Algorithmic Symmetric Cipher Cryptography Library
#Cryptography, #Encryption, #Library
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
A variety of compression algorithms.
#Compression, #Deflate, #Lz4, #Lzari, #Rle, #Zlib
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
NetProxy 2.3.1
Turn your machine into a TCP/IP proxy and shape traffic with ease. Simple, clean, fast and secure!
#.NET, #C-Sharp, #Flagship, #Internet, #IPv4, #IPV6, #Network, #Networking, #proxy, #Routing, #Server, #Showcase, #Winsock
Downloads: |
23,630 |
User Rating: |
4/5 |
Last Update: |
12/4/2024 |
License: |
MIT License |
Decompile / walk and evaluate an HTML compiled help file.
#Chm, #Compiled Help File, #Help File, #Parser
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
A BlowFish C++ implementation.
#Blowfish, #Cryptography
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
A simple to use GDI+ graphing class for Windows C++ projects.
#Gdi, #Gdi Plus, #Graphing
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
The NetworkDLS auto-update utility.
#Auto Update, #Utility
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
Tab control class for Microsoft's old-school Win32 tab control.
#Controls, #Legacy, #Tab Control, #Tabs, #Win32
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
A Rijndael/AES c++ implementation.
#Aes, #Cryptography, #Rijndael
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) environment parser.
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
C/C++ library for managing the windows event log.
#Event Log, #Windows
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
C++ neural network implementation (unproven!!).
#Academia, #Ai, #Machine Learning, #Neural Network
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
TicTacToe in C# wWnforms because why not?
#Game, #Homework, #Winforms
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
SyntaxBox (.Net FireBall port) further bastardized by myself. A.K.A. Alsing.SyntaxBox, Puzzle.SyntaxBox
#Controls, #Syntax Highlighting
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
Graphical simulator written in C# for AI testing purposes.
#Ai, #C Sharp, #Gdi, #Genetics, #Graphical Interface, #Machine Learning, #Mutation, #Neural Network, #Simulation
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
NetworkDLS New Technology Database System. (Nostalgic archive, do not use).
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
Webserver for Windows 3.11, because I can and I want to. So eat it! :P
#Cpp, #Http, #Legacy, #Web Server, #Windows 3, #Windows 3 X
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
DetermiNet is multilayer perception neural network designed for merging to allow forward propagation of the decision making process.
#Academia, #AI, #Experimental, #Neural Network, #Showcase, #Source Code
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
Helpers for dealing with nullable types and for satisfying the static analyzer.
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
These are images for private repositories.
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
Shogo MAD Server Source-Code 3.1.2
The original server source code for the 1990s game SHOGO Mad.
#Game, #Source Code
Downloads: |
4,551 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
5/30/2024 |
License: |
Freeware |
Up-and-coming version of TightWiki with even newer .net technologies.
#Donotsync, #Tightwiki, #Wiki
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
StrikeforceInfinite 0.0.37
#2D Game, #Directx, #Game, #Gdi Plus, #Shooter, #Simulator, #Space, #Uncategorized
Downloads: |
71 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
4/5/2024 |
License: |
Freeware |
Windows File / folder search utility written in C# 7
#File Search, #Find Files, #Windows
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
A multi-generational rule-based evolution simulator based on trait specialization using neural networks to drive behavior.
#Academia, #AI, #Experimental, #Machine Learning, #Neural Network, #Showcase, #Simulation
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
A business forward charting dashboard and KPIs geared towards SQL Server databases.
#Charting, #Dashboards, #Kpi, #Kpis
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
DetermiNet is multilayer perception neural network designed for merging to allow forward propagation of the decision making process.
#Academia, #Ai, #Machine Learning, #Neural Network
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
MIT License |
A fairly robust mathematics parsing engine for C++ projects.
#Evaluation, #Expression Parser, #Library, #Math, #Mathematics, #Parsing, #Showcase, #Source Code
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
4/27/2023 |
License: |
MIT License |
MemQueue 2.0.2
In memory non-persistent message queue with messaging and query/reply support for inter-process-communication, queuing, load-balancing and buffering.
#Csharp, #Inter Process Communication, #Ipc, #Message Broker, #Message Queue, #Netcore, #Netmq, #Nuget, #Queue, #Socket Programming, #Tcp Ip, #Zeromq
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
11/30/2022 |
License: |
MIT License |
My first foray into Rouge-like gaming. Looking for a Castle of the Winds feel.
Downloads: |
15 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
7/15/2022 |
License: |
MIT License |
Microsoft Windows 2000 DDK
Microsoft Windows 2000 DDK (Driver Development Kit)
#DDK, #Downloads, #Drivers, #Windows
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
6/7/2022 |
License: |
Freeware |
Microsoft Windows 2003 SP1 DDK
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) DDK
(Driver Development Kit)
#DDK, #Downloads, #Drivers, #Windows
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
6/7/2022 |
License: |
Freeware |
Microsoft Windows 3.X DDK
Microsoft Windows 3.X DDK (Driver Development Kit)
#DDK, #Downloads, #Drivers, #Windows
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
6/7/2022 |
License: |
Freeware |
Microsoft Windows 95 DDK
Microsoft Windows 98 DDK (Driver Development Kit)
#DDK, #Downloads, #Drivers, #Windows
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
6/7/2022 |
License: |
Freeware |
Microsoft Windows 98 DDK
Microsoft Windows 98 DDK (Driver Development Kit)
#DDK, #Downloads, #Drivers, #Windows
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
6/7/2022 |
License: |
Freeware |
Microsoft Windows XP SP1 DDK
Windows® XP Service Pack 1 DDK
#DDK, #Downloads, #Drivers, #Windows
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
6/7/2022 |
License: |
Freeware |
Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 7.1.0
Windows Driver Kit version 7.1.0 for Windows 7, Vista, XP, Server 2008 R2, Server 2008, Server 2003 (x86,x64,ia64).
#DDK, #Downloads, #Drivers, #Windows
Downloads: |
0 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
6/7/2022 |
License: |
Freeware |
Simple Scripting Engine
A robust, general purpose, loosely typed and fully interpreted scripting engine for the web or desktop.
#C Plus Plus, #Debugging, #Engine, #Ide, #Language, #Pre-Release, #Programming, #Scripting, #Showcase
Downloads: |
74,213 |
User Rating: |
4/5 |
Last Update: |
4/6/2022 |
License: |
MIT License |
Heic2Whatever 1.0.9
Convert those pesky IOS HEIC images to jpg, png, bmp or whatever.
#Heic, #Image Converter, #Ios, #Iphone, #Windows
Downloads: |
61 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
7/30/2021 |
License: |
MIT License |
Fortitude HTTP
This application will allow you to turn your computer into a full blown web server. Supports CGI, port sharing, scripting engines and much more.
#Cgi, #Flagship, #HTTP, #Internet, #IPv4, #Networking, #Scripting, #Server, #Showcase, #Sockets, #Web Server
Downloads: |
175,981 |
User Rating: |
4/5 |
Last Update: |
11/16/2019 |
License: |
MIT License |
A free dynamic DNS service for windows. Keep your remote machine address handy with an easy to remember sub-domain of your choosing.
#Dead, #DNS, #Domain, #Flagship, #IP, #Networking, #Service, #Windows
Downloads: |
6,151 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
n/a |
License: |
Freeware |
A free dynamic DNS service for windows. Keep your remote machine address handy with an easy to remember sub-domain of your choosing.
#DNS, #IP, #Networking, #Showcase
Downloads: |
5,064 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
1/27/2019 |
License: |
Freeware |
DataRandomizer SQLCLR
Easily generate random human readable data using SQL Server’s SQL CLR.
#C-Sharp, #CLR, #Data, #Data Generator, #Database, #Sql, #SQL Server, #Sqlclr
Downloads: |
594 |
User Rating: |
5/5 |
Last Update: |
12/18/2018 |
License: |
MIT License |
IP Traffic Spy
Allows you to easily watch the data that is being passed back and forth from your computer and other computers on the internet or network.
#Flagship, #Information, #Internet, #IPv4, #Networking, #Showcase, #Sockets, #System, #Winsock
Downloads: |
410,492 |
User Rating: |
4/5 |
Last Update: |
4/13/2018 |
License: |
MIT License |
Delete Tree
A quick and easy 32-bit console application that deletes an entire directory structure and all files that it contains.
#C, #Console, #File System, #Filesystem
Downloads: |
16,478 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
3/26/2018 |
License: |
MIT License |
DiskMark is a small utility that allows you to benchmark your disks and hard drives performance.
#Benchmark, #Benchmarking, #Disk, #File System, #Flagship, #IO, #Showcase, #Throughput, #Utility
Downloads: |
166,774 |
User Rating: |
4/5 |
Last Update: |
2/23/2018 |
License: |
MIT License |
Secure Archive
Secure Archive is a file encryption utility that provides multiple encryption algorithms, variable compression levels, secure file delete, self-extracting archives and more.
#AES, #Archival, #Archiving, #Blowfish, #Cryptography, #DES, #Encryption, #File Encryption, #File System, #Filesystem, #Flagship, #NASCCL, #Security, #Showcase
Downloads: |
130,204 |
User Rating: |
5/5 |
Last Update: |
7/25/2017 |
License: |
MIT License |
This class will allow you to easily access SQL server from C++.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #Database, #Mssql, #Recordset, #Source Code, #SQL, #Sqlserver
Downloads: |
8,820 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
11/13/2016 |
License: |
MIT License |
K-LOC Calculator
Quick and easy way to count the lines of code in your project.
#DOT.NET, #Files, #Math, #Programming, #Text, #Text Files
Downloads: |
389 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
9/27/2016 |
License: |
MIT License |
Turn your windows machine into a TCP/IP router and load-balancer (with fail-over) and redirect traffic with ease. Simple, clean, fast and secure!
#Flagship, #Internet, #IPv4, #Network, #Networking, #Pre-Release, #Routing, #Server, #Showcase, #Winsock
Downloads: |
41,167 |
User Rating: |
5/5 |
Last Update: |
11/18/2015 |
License: |
MIT License |
RWanIP will poll your external IP address to make it easily available to you. Can also upload the obtained IP information to an FTP server.
#Internet, #IPv4, #Legacy, #Networking, #Sockets
Downloads: |
13,309 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
3/11/2015 |
License: |
MIT License |
Simple windows console utility for testing DTC between two or more computers.
#C-Sharp, #Console, #Dtc, #Networking, #SQL
Downloads: |
2,802 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
7/19/2014 |
License: |
MIT License |
Expression Calculator
Floating point, bitwise, integer and boolean logic formula calculator with history and recursive functionality.
#Algorithm, #Calculator, #Expression, #Math, #Showcase
Downloads: |
21,045 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
5/29/2014 |
License: |
MIT License |
SQL Schema Backup
A simple console utility to backup the schema of SQL Server databases.
#Backup, #C-Sharp, #Console, #Schema, #SQL
Downloads: |
125 |
User Rating: |
5/5 |
Last Update: |
8/8/2013 |
License: |
MIT License |
A quick and dirty solution to gracefully terminate all McAfee "anti-virus" services running on your machine.
#Academia, #Anti Virus, #Anti-Virus, #Injection, #Operating System, #Service, #Threading, #Threads
Downloads: |
571 |
User Rating: |
5/5 |
Last Update: |
2/19/2013 |
License: |
MIT License |
128Gamma was the first encryption program which NetworkDLS attempted to market. It was crude, improperly written and unstable. Feel free to learn from the autopsy.
#Blowfish, #C, #Cryptography, #Filesystem, #IO, #Legacy, #My First, #Scary
Downloads: |
956 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
1/21/2013 |
License: |
MIT License |
An easy to use and scalable SQL password recovery/audit tool.
#Audit, #Auditing, #C-Sharp, #Cracking, #Cryptography, #Data, #DOT.NET, #Passwords, #Recovery, #Security, #Showcase, #SQL, #Threading
Downloads: |
13,262 |
User Rating: |
5/5 |
Last Update: |
10/18/2012 |
License: |
MIT License |
A template OS originally designed to reverse SHA1 hashes on bare-metal instead of dealing with OS overhead.
#Academia, #Assembly, #Boot, #C, #C Plus Plus, #Experimental, #Low Level, #Low-Level, #Operating System, #OS, #Showcase, #System
Downloads: |
4,615 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
7/9/2012 |
License: |
MIT License |
A C++ Class that encapsulates the official CRC32 algorithm used in PKZip, WinZip and Ethernet.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #CRC, #Cryptography, #Data Validation, #Hashing, #Source Code
Downloads: |
78,060 |
User Rating: |
4/5 |
Last Update: |
6/15/2012 |
License: |
MIT License |
Combine Files
A simple windows console application that will allow you to easily combine multiple files into one.
#Console, #File System, #Filesystem, #Text Files, #Utility
Downloads: |
5,186 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
2/9/2012 |
License: |
MIT License |
Win32 Programmer's Reference
The Win32 Programmer's Reference was the Windows Developer's Bible back in the day - but it's still very useful to this day... if not essential.
#Academia, #C Plus Plus, #Documentation, #Legacy, #Low-Level, #Reference, #Win32, #Windows
Downloads: |
29,849 |
User Rating: |
3/5 |
Last Update: |
1/1/2012 |
License: |
Freeware |
Intermediately complex class that allows you to easly write an NT service.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #Service, #Source Code, #Windows Service
Downloads: |
3,129 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/13/2011 |
License: |
MIT License |
A fantastic class that allows you to easily build and manage a string in C++.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #Library, #Memory Management, #Source Code
Downloads: |
3,814 |
User Rating: |
5/5 |
Last Update: |
5/2/2011 |
License: |
MIT License |
SQLExchange was originally designed as a cloud-integration tool back in 2001. It's usefulness has waned and its architecture has become antique.
#Academia, #C Plus Plus, #Legacy, #Networking, #Odbc, #Replication, #SQL
Downloads: |
84,058 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
11/25/2010 |
License: |
MIT License |
Function Library
The source code for the standard function library used by NetworkDLS software products. It contains a wide array of easy to use common functions to ease your C/C++ programming headaches.
#Bas64, #C Plus Plus, #Command, #Conversion, #Crc, #Datetime, #Io, #Library, #Memory, #Queue, #Source Code, #Stack, #Vector, #Win32, #Xml
Downloads: |
14,893 |
User Rating: |
5/5 |
Last Update: |
11/5/2010 |
License: |
MIT License |
Finger Server
Run a simple finger server on your machine.
#Internet, #IPv4, #Legacy, #Networking, #Server
Downloads: |
26,974 |
User Rating: |
4/5 |
Last Update: |
7/30/2010 |
License: |
MIT License |
A simple and generic Linked List class.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #FIFO, #FILO, #Linked List, #List, #Queue, #Source Code, #Stack
Downloads: |
3,164 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
1/2/2010 |
License: |
MIT License |
Simple generic stack class (Push, Peek, Pop).
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #FIFO, #FILO, #Linked List, #List, #Queue, #Source Code, #Stack
Downloads: |
3,666 |
User Rating: |
5/5 |
Last Update: |
1/2/2010 |
License: |
MIT License |
This C++ class allows you to easily create and parse XML data.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #Data, #Source Code, #XML
Downloads: |
3,183 |
User Rating: |
3/5 |
Last Update: |
1/2/2010 |
License: |
MIT License |
Resource Monitor
Track available RAM & CPU resources on your system.
#Benchmarking, #Flagship, #Information, #Legacy, #Resource Monitor, #System, #Utility
Downloads: |
22,772 |
User Rating: |
3/5 |
Last Update: |
12/5/2009 |
License: |
MIT License |
This C++ class will help you get a handle on parameters passed to your application.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #Command Line, #Console, #Source Code
Downloads: |
12,058 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
8/14/2009 |
License: |
MIT License |
This class allows you to easily lock resources in a multi-threaded environment.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #Locking, #Parallelism, #Resource Protection, #Source Code, #Threading
Downloads: |
3,558 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
8/14/2009 |
License: |
MIT License |
This class ensures that memory is allocated and freed correctly and eases the normally tedious task of tracing memory leaks.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #Memory Management, #Resource Protection, #Source Code
Downloads: |
12,062 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
8/14/2009 |
License: |
MIT License |
A robust high performance, multi-threaded, multi-client, socket server/client class. You can use this class to develop your own TCP/IP server/client applications.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #Client, #Internet, #IPv4, #Library, #Networking, #Packet, #Server, #Socket, #Sockets, #Source Code, #Thread, #Threading, #Win32, #Winsock
Downloads: |
20,040 |
User Rating: |
3/5 |
Last Update: |
8/14/2009 |
License: |
MIT License |
Allows you to easily send email from a COM interface (vb.net, vb6, c#, ASP, ect.)
#Console, #EMail, #Internet, #Networking
Downloads: |
4,291 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
4/18/2009 |
License: |
MIT License |
CRC32 Calculator
Allows you to easily obtain the CRC32 of files of virtually any size.
#Calculator, #CRC, #Cryptography, #Data Validation, #Flagship, #Hashing
Downloads: |
9,613 |
User Rating: |
4/5 |
Last Update: |
2/20/2009 |
License: |
MIT License |
Find Replace
Console utility to quickly find and replace text within files.
#Console, #File System, #Filesystem, #Text Files, #Utility
Downloads: |
2,449 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/3/2008 |
License: |
MIT License |
This is a simple FIFO integer stack that has been wrapped in a C++ class.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #FIFO, #FILO, #Linked List, #List, #Queue, #Source Code, #Stack
Downloads: |
6,596 |
User Rating: |
2/5 |
Last Update: |
11/2/2008 |
License: |
MIT License |
The CTrayIcon class allows you to easily add a windows tray icon to your application.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #Source Code, #Tray Icon
Downloads: |
6,864 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
11/2/2008 |
License: |
MIT License |
Quickly view basic configuration information about your computer.
#Information, #Legacy, #System, #Utility
Downloads: |
159,367 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
10/23/2008 |
License: |
MIT License |
SHA1 Collision Detection
This application will find any text values that match a given SHA1 hash.
#Academia, #Bruteforce, #Console, #Cryptography, #Hashing, #SHA1, #Showcase, #Threading
Downloads: |
8,787 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
9/11/2008 |
License: |
MIT License |
Split File On Column
Console utility to split a file into multiple files based on the number of columns in each row.
#Console, #File System, #Filesystem, #Utility
Downloads: |
2,356 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
7/10/2008 |
License: |
MIT License |
Obtain a list of all IP-addresses associated with any hostname and the hostname associated with any IP-address.
#Dns, #Flagship, #Internet, #IPv4, #Networking, #Sockets
Downloads: |
58,096 |
User Rating: |
3/5 |
Last Update: |
5/27/2008 |
License: |
MIT License |
Calculates the speed of your CPU on any modern version of windows.
#Benchmarking, #Cpu, #Cpu Monitoring, #Flagship, #Information, #Resource Monitor, #System, #Utility
Downloads: |
44,625 |
User Rating: |
3/5 |
Last Update: |
4/18/2008 |
License: |
MIT License |
View the header information stored in any EXE or Com file.
Downloads: |
20,847 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
4/18/2008 |
License: |
MIT License |
Track server uptime from across the country or from next door with this utility.
#Internet, #IPv4, #Legacy, #Monitoring, #Networking, #Sockets
Downloads: |
74,035 |
User Rating: |
3/5 |
Last Update: |
3/23/2008 |
License: |
MIT License |
This C++ class allows you to launch an external application and take total control of its execution. Can also use as a drop in replacement for ShellExecute.
#C Plus Plus, #Class, #Execute, #Process, #Shell, #Source Code
Downloads: |
13,067 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
2/25/2008 |
License: |
MIT License |
Email Encoder
Encodes email addresses in a way that makes it difficult and expensive for automated processes to recognize, much less steal them from your web-site.
#CGI, #Console, #EMail, #Legacy
Downloads: |
6,603 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
9/7/2007 |
License: |
MIT License |
Memory Monitor
Track available RAM on your system.
#Benchmarking, #Legacy, #Resource Monitor
Downloads: |
35,466 |
User Rating: |
5/5 |
Last Update: |
2/9/2007 |
License: |
MIT License |
A small application that will display all of the computers on your network.
#Legacy, #Networking
Downloads: |
34,409 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
12/12/2005 |
License: |
MIT License |
A cleanly written C/C++ dialog based application template. Great for beginners and those who need to save time on starting a project.
#C Plus Plus, #Example, #Source Code, #Template
Downloads: |
11,692 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
8/26/2004 |
License: |
MIT License |
An old SQL-Server Backup project, archived here for reference.
#Backup, #My First, #Scary, #Service, #SQL
Downloads: |
597 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
5/19/2003 |
License: |
MIT License |
448Delta was NetworkDLS's first viable commercial product. It was discontinued over internal discontent with code quality.
#Blowfish, #C Plus Plus, #Cryptography, #Encryption, #Filesystem, #IO, #Legacy, #My First, #Scary
Downloads: |
33,057 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
1/29/2002 |
License: |
MIT License |
Windows Version
A simple winver rewrite. View your windows version.
Downloads: |
18,790 |
User Rating: |
3/5 |
Last Update: |
9/12/2000 |
License: |
MIT License |
Windows Restart
Quickly restart your windows 9x machine.
Downloads: |
21,075 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
9/10/2000 |
License: |
MIT License |
Windows Shutdown
Quickly shutdown your windows 9x machine.
Downloads: |
22,316 |
User Rating: |
3/5 |
Last Update: |
9/10/2000 |
License: |
MIT License |
Minimize All
Minimize all open windows to the taskbar.
Downloads: |
19,785 |
User Rating: |
3/5 |
Last Update: |
9/9/2000 |
License: |
MIT License |
Windows Log Off
Quickly log off your windows 9x session.
Downloads: |
18,023 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
9/8/2000 |
License: |
MIT License |
Uptime CGI
View the Windows server uptime on your webpage.
#CGI, #Console, #Legacy
Downloads: |
51,445 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
6/7/2000 |
License: |
MIT License |
Windows Kill Tasks
Kill all running tasks running on your windows 9x system.
Downloads: |
19,298 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
6/7/2000 |
License: |
MIT License |
Disk Attributes CGI
View the server disk attributes on your webpage.
#CGI, #Console, #Legacy
Downloads: |
31,920 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
5/6/2000 |
License: |
MIT License |
Hit Counter CGI
Add a simple hit counter for your website. Source code included.
#CGI, #Console, #Legacy
Downloads: |
94,227 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
4/3/2000 |
License: |
MIT License |
128Alpha was my second encryption program, it's messy, improperly written, full of bugs and extremely insecure... have fun!
#C, #Cryptography, #Filesystem, #IO, #Legacy, #My First, #Scary
Downloads: |
258 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
6/4/1999 |
License: |
MIT License |
128Alpha was my very first encryption program, it's messy, improperly written, full of bugs and extremely insecure... have fun!
#C, #Cryptography, #Encryption, #IO, #Legacy, #My First, #Scary
Downloads: |
542 |
User Rating: |
n/a |
Last Update: |
9/4/1998 |
License: |
MIT License |