?? Be sure to check out the NuGet package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/NTDLS.SqlManagedConnectivity
Wraps a native SQL Server connection, allows for easy field/value enumeration and manages cleanup.
This library is a replacement for native-style SQL Server access, if you are looking something more POCO/Dapper,
then check out the https://github.com/NTDLS/NTDLS.SqlServerDapperWrapper.
Simple example:
In this example we are opening a connection to the local SQL Server (".") and the database ("Dummyload"), then selecting all rows and columns from the table [Test].
This demonstrates how we can enumerate the fields and their types as well as the rows and their values with several options for conversion.
using (var connection = new SqlManagedConnection(".", "Dummyload"))
using (var reader = connection.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE Account <> @Account", new { Account = 4104 }))
//Loop through all fields:
foreach (var field in reader.Fields)
Console.WriteLine($"Field: '{field.Name}', Data Type: '{field.DataTypeName}', Type: '{field.Type.Name}'");
//Loop though all rows:
foreach (var row in reader)
//Loop though all values in the row:
foreach (var value in row)
Console.WriteLine($"{value.Field.Name} -> '{value.As<string>()?.Trim()}'");
var doublePercentTaxable1 = row.Value<double>("PercentTaxable");
var decimalPercentTaxable1 = row.Value<decimal>("OriginalAmount");
var stringPercentTaxable1 = row.Value<string>("OriginalAmount");
var intPercentTaxable1 = row.Value<int>("OriginalAmount");