?? Be sure to check out the NuGet pacakge: https://www.nuget.org/packages/NTDLS.DatagramMessaging
NTDLS.DatagramMessaging is a set of classes and extensions methods that allow you to send/receive
UDP packets with ease. It handles corruption checks, concatenation, fragmentation, serialization
and adds compression.
UDP Sever (Event based):
Here we are instantiating a DmMessenger and giving it a listen port. This will cause the
manager to go into listen mode. Any received messages will handled by the OnNotificationReceived event.
static void Main()
var udpManager = new DmMessenger(1234);
udpManager.OnNotificationReceived += UdpManager_OnNotificationReceived;
private static void UdpManager_OnNotificationReceived(DmContext context, IDmNotification payload)
if (payload is MyFirstUDPPacket myFirstUDPPacket)
UDP Sever (Convention based):
Here we are instantiating a DmMessenger and giving it a listen port. This will cause the
manager to go into listen mode. Any received messages will handled by the class HandlePackets
which was suppled to the UDP messenger by a call to AddHandler().
static void Main()
var udpManager = new DmMessenger(1234);
udpManager.AddHandler(new HandlePackets());
private class HandlePackets : IDmMessageHandler
public static void ProcessFrameNotificationCallback(DmContext context, MyFirstUDPPacket payload)
UDP Client:
Here we are instantiating a DmMessenger without a a listen port. This means that this this
manager is in write-only mode. We are going to loop and send frames containing serialized MyFirstUDPPacket.
static void Main()
var dmMessenger = new DmMessenger();
int packetNumber = 0;
while (true)
dmMessenger.WriteMessage("", 1234,
new MyFirstUDPPacket($"Packet#:{packetNumber++} "));
Supporting Code:
The class that we are going to be serializing and deserializing in the examples.
public class MyFirstUDPPacket: IDmNotification
public DateTime TimeStamp { get; set; } = DateTime.UtcNow;
public Guid UID { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid();
public string Message { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public MyFirstUDPPacket()
public MyFirstUDPPacket(string message)
Message = message;