All releases for Secure Archive
This software is open source. You can obtain the latest source code from the
Secure Archive GitHub repository or browse below for the
source code associated with a specific release. If you make any changes which you feel improves this application, please let us know via our
Contact Page.
Stable version
released on
Files available with this release: 2
- Added the ability to add files and folders to secure delete without drag and drop.
- Added the ability to select all/none on the secure delete dialog.
- Resolved context menu transparency issues on windows Vista+
Stable version
released on
Files available with this release: 2
- Resolved crash caused by memory heap corruption when using HardKey to encrypt an archive.
- Rebuilt all binaries with the v100 platform tool-set.
Stable version
released on
Files available with this release: 2
- Implemented the ability to securely delete source files upon encryption.
- Bound Enter and Escape keys to default dialog functions (eg. ok and cancel).
- Introduced secure deletion functionality to the explorer shell extension.
- Fixed issue which sometimes prevented toolbar icons from being redrawn correctly.
- Refined the secure delete wizard functonality.
- Resolved issue which would cause archives to be overwritten when appending.
Stable version
released on
- Removed all registration functionality. The application is now free.
- Removed all registration functionality. The application is now free.
We have removed all registration functionality from the application. No trial, no nags, no banners nor demos. Just 100% free for the taking. Enjoy!
Stable version
released on
- Feature: Added special "My" folders under "My Documents".
- Feature: Changed folder tree icons to match Windows 7 style.
- Feature: Added folder tree image support for USB drives.
- Feature: Added logical disk volume labels to the folder tree.
- Fix: Nolonger throws invalid DLL error when dropping a non-valid PE .exe file.
- Fix: Added PE exe MZ header checking for drad-n-drop exe files.
- Fix: Corrected message on temp folder selection in advanced settings.
- Feature: Now uses defaults from the registry as basis for command line automation settings.
Stable version
released on
Files available with this release: 2
- Fix: Themed buttons on Windows XP, 2003 & Vista.
- Fix: Removed misleading message when canceling a test archive job.
- Feature: Dropping a Self-Extractor onto the main dialog now opens the self-extracting archive.
- Fix: Corrected problem which caused the "Encrypt" button to remain disabled after creating a new folder via the Encrypt dialog.
- Feature: Added ability to view existing archives in the tree view on the Encryption Dialog.
- Fix: Corrected the file browser / tree views show hidden/protected file behavior to mimic that of Explorer.
Stable version
released on
- First public release of Secure Archive 64
- Application is now available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. See release notes for details.
- Application is now available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
If you are running a 32bit version of Secure Archive on a 32bit system, we recommend that you uninstall the previous version before installing the 64bit version!
Stable version
released on
- Fixed issue that caused the tray icon not to be recreated after explorer restart.
- Added "last-used-folder" functionality. This information is per-session and is not stored in the registry.
- Child windows and dialogs are now centered over their parents windows. This makes managing multiple archives easier.
Stable version
released on
- Fixed an issue which caused the application to freeze if it were closed while the "File not Found" message box was open in the find dialog (file searching).
- Fixed the problem which caused the "Extract to" browser tree to flash when selecting an item from it for the first time, removing focus from the "Extract to" textbox.
Stable version
released on
Files available with this release: 1
- Fixed small bug that caused partial self-extractors from failed creation attempts (such as running out of disk space) to not be deleted.
- Fixed problem that caused child dialogs to go off the screen when the parent dialogs were mostly off the side/bottom/top of the screen.
- Added ability to encrypt entire hard-drives. This is not recommended for your "system volume" as it will contain many locked files.
- Improved handling of Return & Tab key presses on the Encrypt and Extract dialogs.
- Added additional file corruption/orphaned file checking.
- Fixed problem that caused the "Test Archive" function to report a final "Success" after it had reported previous errors.
- Added new encryption option: "Include Hidden / System files".
- Moved advanced options off of the encrypt dialog (when creating a new archive), to a new sub dialog.
- Additional tweaks to enable users to encrypt-to/decrypt-to network locations.
Stable version
released on
Files available with this release: 1
- No longer shows hidden files in tree view unless they are shown in explorer.
- No longer allows user to create an archive with no name (file extension only).
- Alerts user if the HardKey password is incorrect or if an invalid HardKey was selected.
- Alerts user if the HardKey password is incorrect or if an invalid HardKey was selected. This includes if the HardKey is nolonger supported by later versions.
- Fixed problem with password strength indicators not updating when using a hard key.
- The application will no longer allow you to select a HardKey and not specify a password.
- It is now possible to enter network paths into the "Save to Location" box on the encryption dialog.
- Major fix: Fixed file corruption issue when adding multiple files to a self-extractor.
- Major fix: Fixed file corruption issue when adding multiple files to a self-extractor. If you have a previous version of this application, you should update now!
Stable version
released on
- Implemented intelligent grid column auto-sizing.
- Implemented intelligent grid column auto-sizing. All columns except for the file name and file type description will auto-size to fit either the header or their content.
- Resized dialog labels to allow room for bolder Vista fonts.
- Moved registry information to the "current user" hive. This makes the application setting more "preferential".
- Changed toolbar icon & label alignment methods to better suit the need of Windows Vista.
- Setup package now requires administrative privileges.
- Setup package now requires administrative privileges (to better suit the need of Windows Vista).
- Enabled support for entering a registration code at install time.
- Fixed bug that would allow the user to perform an archive test one was not open.
- Added help buttons throughout the application and linked them to their respective documentation pages.
- Added help buttons throughout the application and linked them to their respective documentation pages.
Stable version
released on
- Changed progress animations to 8bit video for backwards compatibility with windows 2000.
- Changed progress animations to 8bit video for backwards compatibility with windows 2000. Reduced executable size.
- Changed self-extractor icon. Slightly reduced file size.
Beta version
released on
- Reworked tree view logic when saving files to your local desktop.
- Reworked tree view logic when saving files to your local desktop. The application will nolonger traverse down to the "C:\Documents and Settings\\Desktop" level.
- Changed several (but not all) default "save to" and "open from" folders to be the current user desktop insted of current directory.
- Added "My Documents" link in "Save/Open" tree view.
- Fixed problem with updating file count and sizes while manipulating self-extractors.
- Changed free disk space calculation to a newer method that supports UNC paths.
- Fixed problem when cancelling data manipulation process on self-extractors while using preallocation.
- Fixed problem where "Overwrite" option was not working properly when encrypting single files.
- Fixed issue that kept the file grid from updating after canceling a process that changed data.
- Removed slow "Secure Delete" process at the end of cancelled encryption processes.
- Removed slow "Secure Delete" process at the end of cancelled encryption processes. There is no need to securely delete encrypted data.
- Fixed problem which would allow user to create a self extractor from another extractor.
Beta version
released on
- Added "Test Archive" feature to the main "Actions" menu. This will allow you to test an archive for corruption.
- New self-extractors can now be manipulated like any other archive. Just right click on them and click view.
- Reworked several dialog layouts.
- Fixed tree view problem when trying to save archives to another users desktop.
Beta version
released on
- Added functionality to the file search dialog to allow user to select all matches.
- Added functionality to the file search dialog to allow user to select all matches. This makes it much easier to select large numbers of files from large archives.
- Optimized the file search algorithm.
- Optimized the file search algorithm, finding files in large archives is about nearly twice as fast.
- Fixed search functionality when multiple files are selected prior to searching.
- Fixed search functionality when multiple files are selected prior to searching. If multiple files were selected prior to search, they would remain selected after the search results are selected.
- Fixed problem with selected file Count/Size not reflecting search results.
- Fixed problem with selected file Count/Size not reflecting search results. They were not being updated after the search results are selected.
- Added colored status box to search dialog.
- Added colored status box to search dialog. Makes it easier to determine what was found.
- Reworked the way the application selects founds files.
- Reworked the way the application selects founds files. Now scrolls the first file found into view.
- Reworded status screens to make their tasks clearer.
- Implemented character placeholder in search dialog. Example: FiscalYear199?.txt
- Implemented character placeholder in search dialog. You can now use a question mark as an “Any Character Placeholder”. Example: FiscalYear199?.txt
- Fixed flashing while resizing main dialog.
- Fixed flashing while resizing main dialog under 520 x 353 pixels.
Beta version
released on
- Fixed bug that caused the first level directory to not be stored when adding (as opposed to creating a new archive) files.
- Now prompts and skips corrupted files in compressed archives.
- When packing: The cancel process will no longer finish with the current working file, it will truncate the file from the archive instead. This makes the cancel process much faster.
- Now supports pre-allocation, which makes the archive process much safer in mission critical environments.
- Archives are no longer deleted on error if you are adding files to a pre-existing archive.
- Number of default secure delete passes was added to the setup dialog.
- Checks disk for sufficient disk space before performing any operations.
- Now handles unexpected full disk conditions gracefully without sustaining archive corruption.
- Added functionality to prevent archive damage when the archive is open in multiple instances.
- When unpacking: The cancel process will no longer finish with the current working file, it will stop immediately and delete the partial target file. This makes the cancel process much faster.
- Now deletes corrupted target files on extraction.
Beta version
released on
- Reworked the minimize and restore code on many dialogs to give user smoother operation.
- Added minimize-to-tray functionality which includes a tray icon status bar.
- Added new option to turn the "Blank Password / No Encryption" messages on/off.
- Added new option to allow user to change default drag-drop mode from move to copy.
- Added option for disk pre-allocation on archive processes.
- Added Advanced tab to the config dialog.
- Added new "Always run with low-priority" option.
- Fixed issue which could cause the archive to become unreadable when cancelling an encryption process on files over 4GB.
- Fixed auto-extract bug, which caused extraction errors when destination files were locked.
- Adjusted file pre-allocation procedures. The files are now created without any unnecessary overhead.
- The "Find File" dialog now closes with the main dialog.
- Fixed condition when creating a single file archive would package the entire containing directory.
- Fixed issues with tray icon not updating for the first time until the percent complete" changes.
- Optimized the self-extractor application, further reducing its size by 6KB.
- Added the archive name to the system tray icon.
- The application will now gracefully handle a shutdown or logoff event when processing. This DOES NOT mean the application will handle an unexpected outage (such as power failures or blue-screens).
- Restored windows 2000 support.
- Windows 2000 support was accidentally dropped in the last beta, it has been restored.
Beta version
released on
- Began heavy documentation.
- Started working on help file, requirements and overall specifications.
- Added new search capability.
- You can now easily find specific files in large archives by searching by the a files name, type or path.
- Improved file / folder selection method.
- When you right click on a file within the file list grid, you will now be prompted as to which directory level you want to select.
If multiple files are right-clicked on you can only select all files within each of there full paths.
- Added low-priority option to most dialogs.
- You can now tell the application to run in low-priority mode in order to save resources for your other applications. This is quite hand when your encrypting large archives and using your computer at the same time.
- Added new "HardKey" support.
- You can now generate "HardKeys" by going to the "Security"->"HardKey Generator" menu option.
HardKeys are large passwords that you can store on your Removable media (such as Thumb Drives and CD’s). They are used in conjunction with a password to add a much greater degree of security to your encrypted package as any attacker would need your encrypted data, your “HardKey” and your password.
- Fixed file-attribute display issue.
- The application was not properly displaying file-attributes in the file list grid. This has been fixed.
- Added blank password support.
- You can now leave the password blank to create an unencrypted archive. This is useful when you want to use SecureArchive as an archive or open distribution tool.
- Added new "Password Strength" checking.
- When encrypting a file, the application will now check the perceived strength of your password. This is based on the passwords length and the types of characters used (Uppercase, Lowercase, Symbols & Numbers).
If your password is unacceptable then you will be prompted as such and will be given a chance to change your password, ignore the warning or change the warning level.
Beta version
released on
- Initial beta release.
- This is the initial beta release of Project Epsilon.
- Added new icons.
- New toolbar icons, comments welcome!
- Replaced compresion algorithm.
- Replaced LZSS compression with a modified zLIB implementation.
released on
Files available with this release: 28
The versions between the releases known as "448Delta" and "Secure Archive" were known as Project Epsilon. Each revision is chronicled here with source code, binaries and original artwork created between 7/23/2003 and 9/14/2006.
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