[ [function-attribute-list]
] type-specifier [pointer-declarator] function-name(
[ out [ , parameter-attribute-list
] ] type-specifier [declarator]
, ...
zero or more attributes that apply to the function. Valid function attributes
are callback, local; the pointer attribute ref, unique,
or ptr; and the usage attributes string, ignore, and context_handle.
Specifies a base_type,
struct, union, or enum type or type identifier. An
optional storage specification can precede type-specifier.
zero or more pointer declarators. A pointer declarator is the same as the
pointer declarator used in C; it is constructed from the * designator,
modifiers such as far, and the qualifier const.
Specifies the
name of the remote procedure.
zero or more attributes appropriate for a specified parameter type. Parameter
attributes with the out attribute can also take the directional
attribute out; the field attributes first_is, last_is, length_is,
max_is, size_is, and switch_type; the pointer attribute ref,
unique, or ptr; and the usage attributes context_handle
and string. The usage attribute ignore cannot be used as a
parameter attribute. Separate multiple attributes with commas.
standard C declarators, such as identifiers, pointer declarators, and array
declarators. For more information, see pointers
void MyFunction([out] short * pcount);
The out
attribute identifies pointer parameters that are returned from the called
procedure to the calling procedure (from the server to the client).
The out
attribute indicates that a parameter that acts as a pointer and its associated
data in memory are to be passed back from the called procedure to the calling
The out
attribute must be a pointer. DCE IDL compilers require the presence of an
explicit * as a pointer declarator in the parameter declaration.
Microsoft IDL offers an extension that drops this requirement and allows an
array or a previously defined pointer type.
A related
attribute, in, indicates that the parameter is passed from the calling
procedure to the called procedure. The in and out attributes
specify the direction in which the parameters are passed. A parameter can be
defined as in-only, out-only, or in, out.
An out-only
parameter is assumed to be undefined when the remote procedure is called and
memory for the object is allocated by the server. Since top-level
pointer/parameters must always point to valid storage, and therefore cannot be
null, out cannot be applied to top-level unique or ptr
pointers. Parameters that are ref pointers must be either in or in,
out parameters.
See Also