typedef [ ref [ , type-attribute-list
] ] type-specifier declarator-list;
typedef struct-or-union-declarator {
[ ref [ , field-attribute-list
] ] type-specifier declarator-list;
[ [ function-attribute-list ] ] type-specifier [ptr-decl]
[ ref [ , parameter-attribute-list
] ] type-specifier [declarator]
, ...
Specifies one
or more attributes that apply to the type. Valid type attributes include handle,
switch_type, transmit_as; the pointer attributes ref, unique,
or ptr; and the usage attributes context_handle, string,
and ignore. Separate multiple attributes with commas.
Specifies a base_type,
struct, union, or enum type or type identifier. An
optional storage specification can precede type-specifier.
and declarator-list
standard C declarators, such as identifiers, pointer declarators, and array
declarators. For more information, see pointers
Specifies a
MIDL struct
zero or more field attributes that apply to the structure, union member, or
function parameter. Valid field attributes include first_is, last_is,
length_is, max_is, size_is; the usage attributes string,
ignore, and context_handle; the pointer attribute ref, unique,
or ptr; and the union attribute switch_type. Separate multiple
field attributes with commas.
zero or more attributes that apply to the function. Valid function attributes
are callback, local; the pointer attribute ref, unique,
or ptr; and the usage attributes string, ignore, and context_handle.
Specifies at
least one pointer declarator to which the ref attribute applies. A
pointer declarator is the same as the pointer declarator used in C; it is
constructed from the * designator, modifiers such as far, and the
qualifier const.
Specifies the
name of the remote procedure.
Consists of
zero or more attributes appropriate for the specified parameter type. Parameter
attributes can take the directional attributes in and out; the
field attributes first_is, last_is, length_is, max_is,
size_is, and switch_type; the pointer attribute ref, unique,
or ptr; and the usage attributes context_handle and string.
The usage attribute ignore cannot be used as a parameter attribute.
Separate multiple attributes with commas.
[unique] char * GetFirstName(
[in, ref]
char * pszFullName
The ref
attribute identifies a reference pointer. It is used simply to represent a
level of indirection.
A pointer
attribute can be applied as a type attribute, as a field attribute that applies
to a structure member, union member, or parameter; or as a function attribute
that applies to the function return type. The pointer attribute can also appear
with the pointer_default keyword.
A reference
pointer has the following characteristics:
Always points to valid storage;
never has the value NULL. A reference pointer can always be dereferenced.
Never changes during a call. A
reference pointer always points to the same storage on the client before and
after the call.
Does not allocate new memory on
the client. Data returned from the server is written into existing storage
specified by the value of the reference pointer before the call.
Does not cause aliasing.
Storage pointed to by a reference pointer cannot be reached from any other name
in the function.
A reference
pointer cannot be used as the type of a pointer returned by a function.
If no
attribute is specified for a top-level pointer parameter, it is treated as a
reference pointer.
See Also