
1.0     2.0     

Unloads a recognizer previously installed with InstallRecognizer7EQR_Z0.

void UninstallRecognizer( HREC hrec )



Recognizer handle.

Return Value

This function does not return a value.


Windows maintains a use count for all installed recognizers and doesn t unload a recognizer until the last remaining client application has called UninstallRecognizer. For every call an application makes to InstallRecognizer, it must must make a matching call to UninstallRecognizer.

Before unloading a recognizer library, the system calls the recognizer s ConfigRecognizer232HADD function with the subfunction WCR_CLOSERECOGNIZER.

It is not necessary to uninstall the default recognizer; an application must uninstall all recognizers that it explicitly loads.

See Also

InstallRecognizer, ConfigHREC