
Creates a new wrapper object on a byte array object provided by the caller.

WINOLEAPI StgOpenAsyncDocFileOnIFillLockBytes(

    ILockBytes *pilb

// Pointer to existing byte array object

    IFillLockBytes **ppflb

// Pointer to new byte array wrapper object






[in] Pointer to an existing byte array object.


[out] Indirect pointer to new byte array wrapper object..

Return Values

This function supports the standard return values E_OUTOFMEMORY, E_UNEXPECTED, E_INVALIDARG, and E_FAIL, as well as the following:


The StgGetIFillLockBytesOnILockBytes function makes it possible to create an asynchronous storage wrapper object on a custom byte array object. For example, if you wanted to implement asynchronous storage on a database for which you have already created a byte array object, you would call this function to create the wrapper object for the byte array. To do so, the function instantiates a new wrapper object and then initializes it by passing it a pointer to the existing byte array object.

See Also

IFillLockBytes, ILockBytes