PrivilegeCheck  1SQFQ0N 

The PrivilegeCheck function tests the security context represented by a specific access token to discover whether it contains the specified privileges. This function is typically called by a server application to check the privileges of a client s access token.

BOOL PrivilegeCheck(

    HANDLE ClientToken,

// handle of client s access token

    PPRIVILEGE_SET RequiredPrivileges,

// address of privileges

    LPBOOL pfResult

// address of flag for result






Identifies an access token representing a client process. This handle must have been obtained by opening the token of a thread impersonating the client. The token must be open for TOKEN_QUERY access.


Points to a PRIVILEGE_SET4VENV2 structure specifying the privileges required.

The specified access token is checked to see which of the specified privileges are present. When a privilege specified in the PRIVILEGE_SET structure is found in the access token, the function sets the SE_PRIVILEGE_USED_FOR_ACCESS attribute for that privilege in the corresponding LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES2_K_33P structure.


Points to a flag the function sets to indicate whether the access token contains any or all of the specified privileges. If PRIVILEGE_SET_ALL_NECESSARY is specified in the Control member of the PRIVILEGE_SET structure pointed to by the RequiredPrivileges parameter, this flag is TRUE only if all requested privileges are present in the access token. If PRIVILEGE_SET_ALL_NECESSARY is not specified, and if any of the privileges are present, this flag is TRUE.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError11C2VS7.

See Also

AccessCheck, AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm, AreAllAccessesGranted, AreAnyAccessesGranted, LookupPrivilegeDisplayName, LookupPrivilegeName, LookupPrivilegeValue, LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES, ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm, PRIVILEGE_SET, PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm