AccessCheck  O9A0FT 

The AccessCheck function is used by a server application to check a client s access to an object against the access control associated with the object.

BOOL AccessCheck(

    PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor,

// pointer to security descriptor

    HANDLE ClientToken,

// handle to client access token

    DWORD DesiredAccess,

// access mask to request

    PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping,

// address of generic-mapping structure

    PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet,

// address of privilege-set structure

    LPDWORD PrivilegeSetLength,

// size of privilege-set structure

    LPDWORD GrantedAccess,

// address of granted access mask

    LPBOOL AccessStatus

// address of flag indicating whether access granted






Pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR188MR8K structure against which access is checked.


Identifies an access token representing a client attempting to gain access.

This handle must be obtained from a communications session layer   for instance, a named pipe   to prevent possible security policy violations.


Specifies the access mask to be requested. This mask must have been mapped by the MapGenericMask16RLI2Z function to contain no generic access rights.


Pointer to the GENERIC_MAPPINGIL_UXB structure associated with the object for which access is being checked.


Pointer to a PRIVILEGE_SET4VENV2 structure that the function fills with any privileges used to perform the access validation. If no privileges were used, the buffer contains a privilege set consisting of zero privileges.


Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the PrivilegeSet parameter.


Pointer to a variable the function fills with an access mask indicating which access rights were granted. If the function fails, this access mask is not supplied.


Pointer to a flag indicating the success or failure of the access check. If AccessStatus is TRUE, the access token has the requested access to the object. If AccessStatus is FALSE, the access token does not have the requested access. When this parameter is FALSE, the application can use the GetLastError11C2VS7 function to get extended error information.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError11C2VS7.


The AccessCheck function compares the specified security descriptor with the specified access token and indicates, in the AccessStatus parameter, whether access is granted or denied. If access is granted, the requested access mask becomes the object s granted access mask.

Only the discretionary access-control list is examined during an access check.

See Also

AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm, AreAllAccessesGranted, AreAnyAccessesGranted, GENERIC_MAPPING, MapGenericMask, PrivilegeCheck, PRIVILEGE_SET, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR