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All releases for TightWiki

This software is open source. You can obtain the latest source code from the TightWiki GitHub repository or browse below for the source code associated with a specific release. If you make any changes which you feel improves this application, please let us know via our Contact Page.

Stable version 2.14.2 released on 7/25/2024 (Recommended)
View source code for commit: 2.14.2
Files available with this release: 1
  • Major revisions to formatting and consistency.
  • Removed all tables where not actually displaying a table.
  • Added default content messages for empty result-sets.
  • All admin is now mobile friendly (as it should have always been).
  • Resolved issue with incorrect UTC time on page compilations.
  • Added comment login redirect to comment page.
  • Resolved issue where pages were not shown in search or revisions for hard-deleted users.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.14.1...2.14.2

Stable version 2.14.1 released on 7/24/2024
View source code for commit: 2.14.1
Files available with this release: 1
  • Uniformity changes, especially on identity pages.
  • Fixed issue with comments being cached and not shown for 5 mninutes.
  • Resolved issues with configuration changes not being reflected on post-back.
  • Fixed issue with comments not posting from page comments button.


  • Fixed comment localization on comments page.
  • Fixed comment login links.
  • Fixed "wikification" of comments on page footers.
  • Reverted dummy database pages.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.13.0...2.14.1

Stable version 2.14.0 released on 7/24/2024
View source code for commit: 2.14.0
  • Uniformity changes, especially on identity pages.
  • Fixed issue with comments being cached and not shown for 5 mninutes.
  • Resolved issues with configuration changes not being reflected on post-back.
  • Fixed issue with comments not posting from page comments button.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.13.0...2.14.0

Stable version 2.13.0 released on 7/22/2024
View source code for commit: 2.13.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Added order-by to all applicable pages (mostly admin),
  • Enhancements to workload-generator.
  • Added database utilities (vacuum, verify, optimize).
  • Updated all nugets and removed deprecation.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.12.0...2.13.0

Stable version 2.12.0 released on 7/18/2024
View source code for commit: 2.12.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Separated solution into separate projects so the wiki engine can be used outside of the site.
  • Added search caching.
  • Better search indexing.
  • Resolved issues with recursive wikification.
  • Resolved issue searching for accounts by first and last name.
  • Added page utility to pre-cache all pages.
  • Fixed caching duration not being honored in some cases.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.11.1...2.12.0

Stable version 2.11.1 released on 7/16/2024
View source code for commit: 2.11.1
Files available with this release: 1
  • Fixed default image type conversion.
  • Added resized image caching.
  • Added page statistics to admin.
  • Added compilation statistics to admin.
  • Added deleted page revisions to admin.
  • Added page revision deletion and restore.
  • Added orphaned page attachment viewer to admin.
  • Moved all utility function to their respective areas.
  • Standardization of notifications.
  • Resolved page attachments weirdness.
  • Removed cards from all pages.
  • Added more robust exception logging, and friendlier end-user reporting.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.10.6...2.11.1

Stable version 2.10.6 released on 7/10/2024
View source code for commit: 2.10.6
Files available with this release: 1
  • Resolved missing theme application to editor and attachment UI.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.10.5...2.10.6

Stable version 2.10.5 released on 7/9/2024
View source code for commit: 2.10.5
Files available with this release: 1
  • Added theme support.
  • System level theming.
  • User preferences level theming.
  • Added option to keep menu fixed at top when scrolling.
  • Fixed theme support on edit page and page attachments.
  • Resolved issue managing attachments on pages with spaces.
  • Resolved issue with revision 1 uploads.
  • Added namespace viewer to admin.
  • Resolved issues with admin page search.
  • Resolved issue with 1 extra page on pagers.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.9.3...2.10.5

Stable version 2.10.1 released on 7/8/2024
View source code for commit: 2.10.1
Files available with this release: 1
  • Added theme support.
  • System level theming.
  • User preferences level theming.
  • Added option to keep menu fixed at top when scrolling.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.9.3...2.10.1

Stable version 2.10.0 released on 7/8/2024
View source code for commit: 2.10.0
  • Added theme support.
  • System level theming.
  • User preferences level theming.
  • Added option to keep menu fixed at top when scrolling.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.9.3...2.10.0

Stable version 2.9.3 released on 7/8/2024
View source code for commit: 2.9.3
  • Added theme support. This can be set globally and customized per-user as a preference.

Stable version 2.9.2 released on 7/3/2024
View source code for commit: 2.9.2
Files available with this release: 1
  • Fixed issues with case-sensitive page processing instructions.
  • Simplified caching.
  • Require email confirmation for new user sign-up is no longer the default setting.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.9.1...2.9.2

Stable version 2.9.1 released on 6/5/2024
View source code for commit: 2.9.1
Files available with this release: 1
  • Change AppVersion macro to return M.m.p
  • Removed regression testing page.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.9.0...2.9.1

Stable version 2.9.0 released on 6/4/2024
View source code for commit: 2.9.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Added page deletion restore and purging.
  • Added exception purging.
  • Added statistics links.
  • Added lots of additional caching.
  • Fixed issue with "missing pages" moderation.
  • Standardized message UI.
  • Page body is no longer required.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.8.2...2.9.0

Stable version 2.8.2 released on 6/1/2024
View source code for commit: 2.8.2
Files available with this release: 1
  • Fixed single line markup matches.
  • Resolved issue with indistinct page tags and instructions.
  • Altered image link markup method.
  • Function call/parser cleanups.
  • Standardizing page titles.
  • Fixed admin->exception page link, added regression test page.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.8.1...2.8.2

Stable version 2.8.1 released on 5/30/2024
View source code for commit: 2.8.1
Files available with this release: 1
  • Fixed Similar() to find similar pages by tags.
  • Fixed SearchCloud() not obeying max size.
  • Fixed @@SystemEmojiList directive.
  • Fixed Jumbotron (added mimic).
  • Fixed pagers on help pages.
  • Fixed pagers containing line breaks.
  • Added exceptions menu for admin.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.8.0...2.8.1

Stable version 2.8.0 released on 5/30/2024
View source code for commit: 2.8.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Fix disallowing users to modify protected pages.
  • Added additional action notifications.
  • Action confirmation fixes.
  • Fixed default namespaces for non-existent pages.
  • Fixed pages with leading empty namespaces or namespaces with trailing empty page names.
  • A metric-ton of spelling corrections (typos).

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.7.0...2.8.0

Stable version 2.7.0 released on 5/28/2024
View source code for commit: 2.7.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Added action notification (account creation, emoji creation, item rename, etc.)
  • Fixed camelCaseParser.
  • Resolved issue with MS and Google auth coexisting.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.6.3...2.7.0

Stable version 2.6.3 released on 5/25/2024
View source code for commit: 2.6.3
Files available with this release: 1
  • Simplified ControllerBase
  • Removed page search rebuild in favor of page rebuild.
  • Made page, url and general tokenization routines more language agnostic.
  • Fixed page save.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.6.2...2.6.3

Stable version 2.6.2 released on 5/24/2024
View source code for commit: 2.6.2
  • Resolved issue with ambiguous callback that was affecting external logins.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.6.1...2.6.2

Stable version 2.6.1 released on 5/24/2024
View source code for commit: 2.6.1
  • Fixed broken title-bar search.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.6.0...2.6.1

Stable version 2.6.0 released on 5/24/2024
View source code for commit: 2.6.0
  • Added processing instruction "HideFooterComments".
  • Fixed "Deprecate" processing instruction.
  • Emoji fixes, scaling changes, pagination enhancements.
  • Fixed and Standardized all paging
  • Moved page counts to individual view models.
  • Fixed emoji shortcuts.
  • Reflection cache. Added revisions navigation to pages and moderation
  • Moved Sqlite libraries to nuget. NTDLS.SqliteDapperWrapper.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/TightWiki/compare/2.5.0...2.6.0

Stable version 2.5.0 released on 5/23/2024
View source code for commit: 2.5.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Fixed issue when local attached images are mising.
  • Added install instructions.
  • Fixed file revision upload.
  • Corrected several page file attachment scripts.
  • Added file revision viewer.
  • Standardized page selectors.
  • Split database into smaller pieces.
  • Updated MSSQL to SQLite migration tool.
  • Fixed issue with page redirect on renaming page.

Stable version 2.2.0 released on 5/21/2024
View source code for commit: 2.2.0
  • Simplified user creation.
  • Added email template configuration.
  • Moved to a unified layout for all pages and controllers.
  • Added default password change.
  • Added login exception logging.
  • Moved account specifics from profile view.
  • Fixed default avatar viewing.
  • Renamed History -> Revisions.
  • Added animated emoji resizing.

Stable version 2.0.0 released on 5/19/2024
View source code for commit: 2.0.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • This is a MAJOR release. ??
  • Version 2 moves away from SQL Server and onto a SQLite platform, this means that you no longer need to install, configure or license SQL Server, it also makes the database a zero-configuration component.
  • In addition to local login, Google and Microsoft external authentication is natively supported. Other external providers can be easily added with 2-3 lines of code.


Stable version 1.15.0 released on 8/31/2023
View source code for commit: 1.15.0
Files available with this release: 2

Reorganized database install scripts. Resolved issues with emojis displaying on public profiles. Resolved issues with emoji syntax highlighting when editing.


Stable version 1.14.0 released on 8/29/2023
View source code for commit: 1.14.0
Files available with this release: 3
  • Added appversion to statistics page.
  • Changed emoji tag.
  • Resolved issue with emoji parsing.
  • Changed the way that namespaces are parsed.


Stable version 1.13.0 released on 5/24/2023
View source code for commit: 1.13.0
Files available with this release: 3


Major update, lots of changes, fixes and performance improvements

  • Set search focus, omitted pager when less than 2 pages are present.
  • Added search-bar config. Fixed some config entries.
  • Added google authentication.
  • Added auth-n persistence.
  • Added NoCache page instruction.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Added configurable page cache time.
  • Added wiki statistics admin page.
  • Changed default auth scheme.
  • Added emoji support. ??
  • Safer, saner database update.
  • Added page comments support.
  • Added optional comments to pages.
  • Added public user profiles with recently modified lists.
  • Added page last modified links.
  • Added lite wikifier for comments and bios.
  • Added moderation permission for deleting non-owned comments.

Stable version 1.12.0 released on 4/28/2023
View source code for commit: 1.12.0
Files available with this release: 2
  • Fixed orphaned page collection.
  • Resolved issues viewing page-foreign images in page history.
  • Resolved issues viewing page-foreign images in page history.
  • Restored compatibility with Mac and Linux.


Stable version 1.11.2 released on 4/24/2023
View source code for commit: 1.11.2
Files available with this release: 2
  • Added option to show namespace as part of page titles in lists.
  • Resolved out of order TOC when heading are nested in blocks.
  • Resolved null reference error when creating new pages.

1112 front page

Stable version 1.11.1 released on 12/26/2022
View source code for commit: 1.11.1
Files available with this release: 2


  • Fixed collapse panel.
  • Resolved page reference and CamelCase search bug.

Stable version 1.11.0 released on 12/20/2022
View source code for commit: 1.11.0
Files available with this release: 2


  • Code cleanup, schema refresh.
  • Added application initialization.
  • Database dump method updated.
  • Added snippet definition function.
  • Added namespace admin page.
  • Changed scope functions to two brackets from three.
  • Added table scope function.
  • Added namespace code highlighters.
  • Updated more locations to show namespaces.
  • Self doc fixes.
  • Added missing namespace function.
  • Added namespace support.
  • Version bump.
  • Fixed issue with ambiguous function calls for include().
  • Fixes and cleanup.

Stable version 1.10.0 released on 12/15/2022
View source code for commit: 1.10.0
Files available with this release: 2

Schema update. Switched to comma instead of pipe delimited parameters. Allow for admin to set passwords. Cleanup, added default avatar. Added admin deletion of accounts. Added personal account deletion. Admin can now set roles. Page deletion support. Fixed menu, again. Added manual account creation. Added account pagination. Added manual file upload in addition to the drag-drop. Added cnfg save. Disable upload before page save. URL decode file name on upload.

Stable version 1.9.0 released on 12/13/2022
View source code for commit: 1.9.0
Files available with this release: 2

Added drag-drop upload file support and removed iframe.

Stable version 1.8.0 released on 12/9/2022
View source code for commit: 1.8.0
Files available with this release: 2

First stable release.

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