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All releases for Shogo MAD Server Source-Code

This software is open source. You can obtain the latest source code from the Shogo MAD Server Source-Code GitHub repository or browse below for the source code associated with a specific release. If you make any changes which you feel improves this application, please let us know via our Contact Page.

Stable version 3.1.2 released on 5/30/2024 (Recommended)
View source code for commit: 3.1.2
Files available with this release: 1
  • Changed the method of enumerating players to prevent corruption.

Stable version 3.1.0 released on 5/6/2024
View source code for commit: 3.1.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Updated API URLs to point to the new services which implement "game session" tracking.

This is in support of providing end-of-game summaries and also a leaderboard.

Stable version 3.0.0 released on 5/1/2024
View source code for commit: 3.0.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Rebuilt using Visual Studio 2022 on Windows 11
  • Altered insecure string counterparts (strcpy, sprintf, srtcat, etc.).

Stable version 2.3.0 released on 4/30/2024
View source code for commit: 2.3.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Added ShogoServer.com sync for player join/leave events.

Antique version 2.2 released on 3/11/1999
Files available with this release: 2

For whatever reason, the publisher decided to package the source code for the server into some executable installer, which I think is MAD... but I've included it here as "Original Installer.zip"

I went through the trouble of also installing it to extract just the source which is in the download called "Extracted from Installer.zip".

I don't know about you, but I don't like downloading EXEs from the 90s.... feels risky.


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