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All releases for NetTunnel

This software is open source. You can obtain the latest source code from the NetTunnel GitHub repository or browse below for the source code associated with a specific release. If you make any changes which you feel improves this application, please let us know via our Contact Page.

Stable version 4.2.1 released on 7/9/2024 (Recommended)
View source code for commit: 4.2.1
Files available with this release: 1
  • Minor optimization update to cryptographic operations.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/NetTunnel/compare/4.2.0...4.2.1

Stable version 4.2.0 released on 6/30/2024
View source code for commit: 4.2.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Added visual log to management UI.

Stable version 4.1.0 released on 6/28/2024
View source code for commit: 4.1.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Restricted UI access (in addition to existing API access) to user role.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/NetTunnel/compare/4.0.0...4.1.0

Stable version 4.0.0 released on 6/27/2024
View source code for commit: 4.0.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Added user roles (administrator, limited).
  • Moved all persistence to inbound tunnel service, under the current logged in NetTunnel user.
  • Extra thread protection around connection states.
  • Added "lazy stop" to tunnels to prevent UI hangs.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/NetTunnel/compare/3.2.0...4.0.0

Stable version 3.2.0 released on 6/24/2024
View source code for commit: 3.2.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Added UI option to view tunnel properties.
  • Added UI option to view endpoint properties.
  • Added UI option to view and disconnect endpoint edge connections.
  • Resolved issue with UI sometime not updating.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/NetTunnel/compare/3.0.1...3.2.0

Stable version 3.0.1 released on 6/22/2024
View source code for commit: 3.0.1
Files available with this release: 1
  • Expanded cryptography keys.
  • Added UI disconnection notification.
  • Precise reporting of bytes in/out for tunnels and endpoints.
  • Cleanup of client connection on UI close or login failure.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/NetTunnel/compare/3.0.0...3.0.1

Stable version 3.0.0 released on 6/21/2024
View source code for commit: 3.0.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Removed web-services.
  • Remove concept of "inbound tunnel" since the whole point of this project is "outbounding". The outbound tunnel now auto configured the remote NetTunnel service.
  • Spelling ckeck,
  • Dialog tool-tips for help.
  • UI fixes.
  • Lots of optimizations.

All communication is now done though a single connection so that only one port is required for management and tunneling. This also means that all data is reliably compressed and encrypted without the worry of SSL certificates.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/NetTunnel/compare/2.2.0...3.0.0


Stable version 2.2.0 released on 6/13/2024
View source code for commit: 2.2.0
Files available with this release: 2
  • Added ability to edit endpoints.
  • Added support for request/response HTTP header manipulation.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/NetTunnel/compare/2.1.0...2.2.0

Stable version 2.1.0 released on 6/11/2024
View source code for commit: 2.1.0
Files available with this release: 2
  • Fixed missing start menu icons.
  • Added Event Logging.
  • Omitting simple socket exceptions.
  • Endpoint status UI fixup
  • Reliable Messaging update
  • Added compression ratio to UI.
  • Moved messages to convention based.
  • Removed protobuf
  • Added tunnel bytes.
  • Added statistics Lock.
  • Fixed percentage.
  • Fixed grid flashing.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/NetTunnel/compare/2.0.0...2.1.0

Stable version 2.0.0 released on 6/8/2024
View source code for commit: 2.0.0
Files available with this release: 2
  • Added options to not use SSL for management.
  • Added endpoint deletion support.
  • Fixed adding and deleting tunnels.
  • Fixed multiple-tunnel-connection error.
  • Added exception handling and message handlers.
  • Added disconnected RPC handling.
  • Added advanced Reliable Messaging options.
  • Added UI for configuration.
  • Added Start/Stop for tunnels to UI.
  • Implementation of latest ReliableMessaging package. (https://github.com/NTDLS/NTDLS.ReliableMessaging)
  • Added connection refused exception handling.
  • Fixed encryption on tunnel start.
  • Version bump. Major breaking changes.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/NetTunnel/compare/1.0.0...2.0.0

Stable version 1.0.0 released on 4/2/2024
View source code for commit: 1.0.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Update to .net 8.0
  • Nuget updates.
  • Code cleanup and small optimizations.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/NetTunnel/compare/0.4.0...1.0.0

Beta version 0.4.0 released on 11/3/2023
View source code for commit: 0.4.0
Files available with this release: 1
  • Added UI preferences.
  • Added grid sorting.
  • Added tunnel and endpoint status.
  • Added tunnel and endpoint statistics.
  • Fixed tunnel auto-reconnect.
  • Resolved data-pump CPU consumption.
  • Added strong tunnel encryption.
  • Resolved issue deleting tunnels through UI.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/NTDLS/NetTunnel/compare/0.3.0...0.4.0

Alpha version 0.1.0 released on 10/27/2023
View source code for commit: 0.1.0
Files available with this release: 1

Initial working release.

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