WriteClassStm  USFE.O

Stores the specified CLSID in the stream.

WINOLEAPI WriteClassStm(

    IStream * pStm,

//Points to the IStream interface on the stream object

    REFCLSID rclsid

//Specifies the CLSID to be stored in the stream object






[in] IStream pointer to the stream into which the CLSID is to be written.


[in] Specifies the CLSID to write to the stream.


Return Values


Indicates the CLSID was successfully written.


The CLSID could not be written because there is no space left on device.


IStorage::SetClass_CLF_1 method error return values.


The WriteClassStm function writes a CLSID to the specified stream object so it can be read by the ReadClassStmELT04V function. Most applications do not call WriteClassStm directly. OLE calls it before making a call to an object s IPersistStream::Save5_V3OT method.

See Also

ReadClassStm, WriteClassStg, ReadClassStg