WriteClassStg  UMFE.O

Stores the specified CLSID in a storage object.

WINOLEAPI WriteClassStg(

    IStorage * pStg,

//Points to the IStorage interface on the storage object

    REFCLSID rclsid

//Specifies the CLSID to be stored in the storage object






[in] IStorage pointer to the storage object that will get a new CLSID.


[in] Points to the CLSID to be stored with the object.


Return Values


Indicates the CLSID was successfully written to the file.


Indicates the CLSID could not be written due to lack of memory.


IStorage::SetClass_CLF_1 method error return values.


The WriteClassStg function writes a CLSID to the specified storage object so it can be read by the ReadClassStgELT04P function. Container applications typically call this function before calling the IPersistStorage::SaveS4I7H8 method.

See Also

OleSave, ReadClassStg