[New - Windows NT]

The SPFILENOTIFY_STARTSUBQUEUE notification is sent to the callback function when the queue starts to process the operations in the delete, rename, or copy subqueue.


    Param1 = (UINT) SubQueue;

    Param2 = (UINT) NumOperations;




Specifies which subqueue has been started. This parameter can be any one of the values FILEOP_DELETE, FILEOP_RENAME, or FILEOP_COPY.


Specifies the number of file copy, rename, or delete operations in the subqueue.


Return Values

If an error occurs, the callback routine should call SetLastError34N8_RG, specifying the error, and then return 0.  The SetupCommitFileQueue function will return FALSE and a subsequent call to GetLastError11C2VS7 will return the error code set by the callback routine.

If no error occurs, the callback routine should return a nonzero value.

See Also

SetupCommitFileQueue, SetupDefaultQueueCallback