SetupCommitFileQueue  VJI2V9 

[New - Windows NT]

The SetupCommitFileQueue function performs file operations enqueued on a setup file queue.

BOOL SetupCommitFileQueue(

    HWND Owner,

// optional; parent window

    HSPFILEQ QueueHandle,

// handle to the file queue


// callback routine to use

    PVOID Context

// passed to callback routine






This optional parameter supplies the handle of a window to use as the parent of any progress dialog boxes.


Supplies a handle to a setup file queue, as returned by SetupOpenFileQueue7Y5P1I.


Supplies a callback routine to be notified of various significant events in the queue processing. For more information, see  Default Queue Callback Routine. 


Supplies a value that is passed to the callback function supplied by the MsgHandler parameter. If the default callback routine has been specified as MsgHandler, this context must be the context returned from SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackXJWK5Z or SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackEx3T..3..


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE.

If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To get extended error information, call GetLastError11C2VS7.


The callback routine specified in MsgHandler should be compatible with the the parameters that SetupCommitFileQueue passed to it during a queue commit.

If Unicode is defined in your callback application, and you specifiy MsgHandler as the default queue callback routine, the callback routine will expect Unicode parameters. Otherwise, the default queue callback routine will expect ANSI parameters.

See Also
