The ADRENTRY structure describes zero or more properties belonging to a recipient.

Quick Info

Header file:



typedef struct _ADRENTRY 


     ULONG        ulReserved1;

     ULONG        cValues;

     LPSPropValue rgPropVals; 





Reserved; must be zero.


Count of properties in the property value array pointed to by the rgPropVals member. The cValues member can be zero.


Pointer to a property value array describing the properties for the recipient. The rgPropVals member can be NULL.



An ADRENTRY structure describes properties belonging to a single recipient. The properties that are typically used to describe a recipient include:






When an entry identifier   or PR_ENTRYID property   appears in the SPropValue81C9._8 array for a recipient, this indicates that the recipient has been resolved. Clients call the IAddrBook::ResolveNameCDLOVB method to ensure that all recipients in the recipient list of an outgoing message have been resolved. Only resolved recipients can be sent with messages.

ADRENTRY structures are commonly combined to form an array for the aEntries member of an ADRLIST16760YG structure.

ADRENTRY structures and SRowB8USB6 structures are identical in that they both contain a reserved member, an array of property values, and a count of values in the array. Whereas ADRENTRY structures are combined to form the aEntries member of an ADRLIST structure, SRow structures are combined to form the aRow member of an SRowSetC2IQB5 structure. Both types of structures follow the same allocation rules, implying that an SRowSet structure that is retrieved from the contents table of an address book container can be cast to an ADRLIST structure and used as is.

An ADRENTRY structure can be empty. An ADRENTRY structure contained in the ADRLIST structure pointed to by the lppAdrList parameter in a call to IAddrBook::Address can be empty when, for example, a recipient is being removed.

For more information on allocating memory for ADRENTRY structures, see Managing Memory for ADRLIST and SRowSet StructuresJEZ06_.

See Also

IAddrBook::Address, IMessage::ModifyRecipients, MAPIAllocateBuffer, SRow