
The SRow structure describes a row from a table containing selected properties for a specific object.

Quick Info

Header file:



typedef struct _SRow

     ULONG         ulAdrEntryPad;

     ULONG         cValues;

     LPSPropValue  lpProps;

} SRow, FAR *LPSRow;




Padding bytes to properly align the property values pointed to by the lpProps member.


Count of property values pointed to by lpProps.


Pointer to an array of SPropValue81C9._8 structures that describe the property values for the columns in the row.



When a service provider makes a call to ITableData::HrQueryRow_CPE8 to retrieve a single row of data from a table or receives a table notification that includes a TABLE_NOTIFICATION19A4ZN9 structure with the OnNotify call, the data for the row is described with an SRowB8USB6 structure. An SRow structure contains a count of columns in the row and an array of property values, or SPropValue81C9._8 structures, that describe the column set.

When more than one row is returned, the data is described using an SRowSetC2IQB5 structure. An SRowSet structure contains an array of SRow structures and a count of structures in the array.

The following illustration shows the relationship between an SRow and an SRowSet data structure.

{bmc bm15.WMF}

For information about how the memory for SRow structures should be allocated, see Managing Memory for ADRLIST and SRowSet StructuresJEZ06_.

See Also


SPropValue81C9._8, SRowSetC2IQB5