set  1OD7E5P 

The set command establishes control settings for the device. CD audio, digital-video, MIDI sequencer, VCR, videodisc, video-overlay, and waveform-audio devices recognize this command.

wsprintf(lpstrCommand, "set %s %s %s", lpszDeviceID, lpszSetting,




Identifier of an MCI device. This identifier or alias is assigned when the device is opened.


Flag for establishing control settings. The following table lists device types that recognize the set command and the flags used by each type:


audio all off
audio all on
audio left off
audio left on
audio right off
audio right on

door closed
door open
time format milliseconds
time format msf
time format tmsf


audio all off
audio all on
audio left off
audio left on
audio right off
audio right on
door closed
door open

file format format
seek exactly on
seek exactly off
speed factor
still file format format
time format frames
time format milliseconds
video off
video on


audio all off
audio all on
audio left off
audio left on
audio right off

audio right on
door closed
door open
video off
video on


audio all off
audio all on
audio left off
audio left on
audio right off
audio right on
door closed
door open
master MIDI
master none
master SMPTE
offset time

port mapper
port none
port port_number
slave file
slave MIDI
slave none
slave SMPTE
tempo tempo_value
time format milliseconds
time format SMPTE fps
time format SMPTE 30 drop
time format song pointer


assemble record on
assemble record off
audio all off
audio all on
audio left off
audio left on
audio right off
audio right on
clock time
counter format
counter value
door closed
door open
index counter
index date
index time
index timecode
length duration
pause timeout
postroll duration -

power on
power off
preroll duration duration
record format SP
record format LP
record format EP
speed factor
time format frames
time format hms
time format milliseconds
time format msf
time format SMPTE fps
time format SMPTE 30 drop
time format tmsf
time mode counter
time mode detect
time mode timecode
tracking plus
tracking minus
tracking reset


audio all off
audio all on
audio left off
audio left on
audio right off
audio right on
door closed

door open
time format frames
time format hms
time format milliseconds
time format track
video off
video on


alignment integer
any input
any output
audio all off
audio all on
audio left off
audio left on
audio right off
audio right on
bitspersample bit_count
bytespersec byte_rate

channels channel_count
door closed
door open
format tag pcm
format tag tag
input integer
output integer
samplespersec integer
time format bytes
time format milliseconds
time format samples


The following table lists the flags that can be specified in the lpszSetting parameter and their meanings:

alignment integer

Sets the alignment of data blocks relative to the start of data passed to the waveform-audio device. The file is saved in this format.

any input

Use any input that supports the current format when recording. This is the default setting.

any output

Use any output that supports the current format when playing. This is the default.

assemble record on
assemble record off

In assemble mode, all tracks are recorded as defined by the device. Most VCRs are in assemble mode by default.

audio all off
audio all on

Disables or enables audio output. Video-overlay devices, the MCISEQ sequencer, and the MCIWAVE waveform-audio device do not support this flag.

audio left off
audio left on
audio right off
audio right on

Disables or enables output to either the left or the right audio channel. Video-overlay devices, the MCISEQ sequencer, and the MCIWAVE waveform-audio device do not support this flag.

bitspersample bit_count

Sets the number of bits per PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) sample played or recorded. The file is saved in this format.

bytespersec byte_rate

Sets the average number of bytes per second played or recorded. The file is saved in this format.

channels channel_count

Sets the channels for playing and recording. The file is saved in this format.

clock time

Sets time on the external clock to time. The format is specified as a long unsigned integer.

counter format

Set the time format for the counter, as returned by status3L25TX  counter . For information about applicable types, see the set  time format  command.

counter value

Sets the VCR counter to the specified value. The value must be specified in the current counter format. For more information, see the set  counter format  command.

door closed

Retracts the tray and closes the door, if possible. For VCRs, loads the tape automatically.

door open

Opens the door and ejects the tray or tape, if possible.

file format format

Specifies a file format that is used for saveUDLDV7 or capture3Z90_UG commands. If omitted, this might default to a device driver defined format. If the specified file format conflicts with the currently selected algorithm and quality, then they are changed to the defaults for the file format. The following file formats are defined:

Specifies AVI format.

Specifies AVSS format.

Specifies DIB format.

Specifies JFIF format.

Specifies JPEG format.

Specifies MPEG format.

Specifies RLE DIB format.

Specifies RJPEG format.

format tag pcm

Sets the format type to PCM for playing and recording. The file is saved in this format.

format tag tag

Sets the format type for playing and recording. The file is saved in this format.

index timecode
index counter
index date
index time

Sets the current display screen on the VCR.

input integer

Sets the audio channel used as the input.

length duration

Sets the user-specified length of the tape in the VCR. This length is returned by the status3L25TX  length  command and is provided for compatibility with applications that require this command to return a valid length.

master midi

Sets the MIDI sequencer as the synchronization source. Synchronization data is sent in MIDI format. The MCISEQ sequencer does not support this flag.

master none

Inhibits the MIDI sequencer from sending synchronization data. The MCISEQ sequencer does not support this flag.

master smpte

Sets the MIDI sequencer as the synchronization source. Synchronization data is sent in SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) format. The MCISEQ sequencer does not support this flag.

offset time

Sets the SMPTE offset time. The offset is the beginning time of a SMPTE based sequence. The time is expressed as hh:mm:ss:ff, where hh is hours, mm is minutes, ss is seconds, and ff is frames.

output integer

Sets the audio channel used as the output.

pause timeout

Sets the maximum duration, in milliseconds, of a pause4O6CJ1 command. A timeout value of zero indicates that no time-out will occur.

postroll duration duration

Sets the length, in the current time format, needed to brake the VCR transport when a stopUDLWOB or pause command is issued.

port mapper

Sets the MIDI mapper as the port receiving the MIDI messages. This command fails if the MIDI mapper or a port it needs is being used by another application.

port none

Disables the sending of MIDI messages. This command also closes a MIDI port.

port port_number

Sets the MIDI port receiving the MIDI messages. This command fails if the port you are trying to open is being used by another application.

power on
power off

Sets the device power to on or off.

preroll duration duration

Sets the length, in the current time format, needed to stabilize the VCR output.

record format SP
record format LP
record format EP

Sets the recording mode for the VCR to SP for standard play, EP for extended play, or LP for long play. These values are not intended to be VHS specific. They map to any three appropriate modes with other tape formats. For example, SP maps to the fastest, highest quality recording.

samplespersec integer

Sets the sample rate for playing and recording. The file is saved in this format.

seek exactly on
seek exactly off

Selects one of two seek modes. With  seek exactly on , seek will always move to the frame specified. With  seek exactly off , seek will move to the closest key frame prior to the frame specified.

slave file

Sets the MIDI sequencer to use file data as the synchronization source. This is the default setting.

slave midi

Sets the MIDI sequencer to use incoming MIDI data for the synchronization source. The sequencer recognizes synchronization data with the MIDI format. The MCISEQ sequencer does not support this flag.

slave none

Sets the MIDI sequencer to ignore synchronization data.

slave smpte

Sets the MIDI sequencer to use incoming MIDI data for the synchronization source. The sequencer recognizes synchronization data with the SMPTE format. The MCISEQ sequencer does not support this flag.

speed factor

Sets the relative speed of video and audio playback from the workspace. Factor is the ratio between the nominal frame rate and the desired frame rate, where the nominal frame rate is designated as 1000. (A rate of 500 is half normal speed, 2000 is twice normal speed, and so on.) Setting the speed to zero plays the video as fast as possible without dropping frames and without audio.

still file format format

Specifies the file format used for capture3Z90_UG commands.

tempo tempo_value

Sets the tempo of the sequence according to the current time format. For a PPQN-based file, the tempo_value is interpreted as beats per minute. For a SMPTE-based file, the tempo_value is interpreted as frames per second.

time format bytes

In a PCM file format, sets the time format to bytes. All position information is specified as bytes following this command.

time format frames

Sets the time format to frames. All commands that use position values will assume frames. When the device is opened, frames is the default mode. Supported by videodiscs using CAV format.

time format hms

Sets the time format to hours, minutes, and seconds. All commands that use position values will assume HMS. HMS is the default format for CLV videodiscs.

Specify an HMS value as hh:mm:ss, where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds. You can omit a field if it and all following fields are zero. For example,
3, 3:0, and 3:0:0 are all valid ways to express 3 hours.

time format milliseconds

Sets the time format to milliseconds. All commands that use position values will assume milliseconds. You can abbreviate milliseconds as  ms .

For sequencer devices, the sequence file sets the default format to PPQN or SMPTE. Video-overlay devices do not support this flag.

time format msf

Sets the time format to minutes, seconds, and frames. All commands that use position values will assume MSF (the default format for CD audio).

Specify an MSF value as mm:ss:ff, where mm is minutes, ss is seconds, and ff is frames. You can omit a field if it and all following fields are zero. For example, 3, 3:0, and 3:0:0 are valid ways to express 3 minutes.

The MSF fields have the following maximum values:

Minutes 99
Seconds 59
Frames  74

time format samples

Sets the time format to samples. All position information is specified as samples following this command.

time format smpte 24
time format smpte 25
time format smpte 30

Sets the time format to an SMPTE frame rate.

For VCRs, sets the time format to hh:mm:ss:ff, where the legal values are 00:00:00:00 through 23:59:59:xx, and xx is one less than the frames per second as specified by the number 24, 25, or 30 as specified in the flag. On input, colons (:) are required to separate the components. The least significant units can be
omitted if they are 00; for example, 02:00 is the same
as 02:00:00:00.

All commands that use position values will assume SMPTE format.

The sequence file sets the default format to PPQN or SMPTE.

time format smpte 30 drop

Sets the time format to SMPTE 30 drop frame rate.

For VCRs, same as SMPTE 30, except that certain timecode positions are dropped from the format to have the recorded timecode positions for each frame (at the NTSC frame rate of 29.97 fps) correspond to real time (at 30 fps). Timecode positions that are dropped are as follows: two every minute, on the minute, for the first nine of every ten minutes of recorded content. For example, at 01:04:59:29, the next timecode position would be 01:05:00:02, not 01:05:00:00.

All commands that use position values will assume SMPTE format.

The sequence file sets the default format to PPQN or SMPTE.

time format song pointer

Sets the time format to song pointer (sixteenth notes). All commands that use position values will assume song pointer units. This flag is valid only for a sequence of division type PPQN.

time format tmsf

Sets the time format to tracks, minutes, seconds, and frames. All commands that use position values will assume TMSF.

Specify a TMSF value as tt:mm:ss:ff, where tt is tracks, mm is minutes, ss is seconds, and ff is frames. You can omit a field if it and all following fields are zero. For example, 3, 3:0, 3:0:0, and 3:0:0:0 are all valid ways to express track 3.

The TMSF fields have the following maximum values:

Tracks 99
Minutes 99
Seconds 59
Frames  74

time format track

Sets the position format to tracks. All commands that use position values will assume tracks.

time mode counter

Sets the position-information mode to use the VCR counters.

time mode detect

Sets the position information mode based on detection of timecode information on the tape. If timecode information is detected, the time type is set to  timecode ; otherwise, the time type is set to  counter .

 Detect  is a special mode. Whenever the driver is opened, a new tape is inserted, or the  time mode  command is issued, the driver checks the current time mode available on the tape and sets  time type  to either  timecode  or  counter . Once  time type  is set, the driver doesn t change it until one of the above conditions occurs again.

time mode timecode

Sets the position information mode to use  timecode  information on the tape.

tracking plus
tracking minus
tracking reset

Adjusts the speed of the videotape transport in fine increments. Use the  tracking  flags when a noisy picture is obtained from a VCR.  Tracking plus  increases the transport speed.  Tracking minus  decreases the transport speed.  Tracking reset  returns the tracking adjustment to zero.

video off

Disables video output.

video on

Enables video output.



Can be  wait ,  notify , or both. For digital-video and VCR devices,  test  can also be specified. For more information about these flags, see The Wait, Notify, and Test Flags4FW.04J.


Return Values

Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise.


Several properties of waveform-audio data are defined when the file to store the data is created. These properties describe how the data is structured within the file and cannot be changed once recording begins. The following list identifies these properties:





    format tag



The following command sets the time format to milliseconds and sets the waveform-audio format to 8 bit, mono, 11 kHz:

set mysound time format ms bitspersample 8 channels 1 samplespersec 11025

See Also

capture, pause, save, status, stop