mixerMessage  1MHHVK6 

The mixerMessage function sends a custom mixer driver message directly to a mixer driver.

DWORD mixerMessage(

    HMIXER hmx,


    UINT uMsg,


    DWORD dwParam1,


    DWORD dwParam2







Handle of an open instance of a mixer device. This handle is returned by the mixerOpenO9O8CH function.


Custom mixer driver message to send to the mixer driver. This message must be above or equal to the MXDM_USER constant.

dwParam1 and dwParam2

Arguments associated with the message being sent.


Return Values

Returns a value that is specific to the custom mixer driver message. Possible error values include the following:


The specified device handle is invalid.


The uMsg parameter specified in the MXDM_USER message is invalid.


The mixer device did not process the message.



User-defined messages must be sent only to a mixer driver that supports the messages. The application should verify that the mixer driver is the driver that supports the message by retrieving the mixer capabilities and checking the wMid, wPid, vDriverVersion, and szPname members of the MIXERCAPS structure.

See Also

mixerOpen, MIXERCAPS