
[uuid, lcid(numid)[, optional-attribute-list]] library {  }


[  uuid(. . .),lcid(0x09),version(1.0)]

library MyLibrary

{ . . .};


interface IMyFace : IDispatch

[propget] HRESULT MyFunc([in, lcid] long LocaleID,
                         [out, retval] BSTR * retval);

. . .




The lcid  attribute identifies the locale for a type library or for a function argument.

The numid is a 32-bit locale ID as used in Win32 National Language Support. The locale ID is typically entered in hexadecimal.

The MIDL compiler accepts the following parameter ordering (from left-to-right):

  1.  Required parameters (parameters that do not have the defaultvalue or optional attributes),

  2.  optional parameters with or without the defaultvalueHDLFGB attribute,

  3.  parameters with the optional1JFN0T8 attribute and without the defaultvalue attribute,

  4.  lcid parameter, if any,

  5.  retvalE_IXBP parameter


See Also

library, ODL File Syntax, ODL File Example, Generating a Type Library With MIDL