
[fault_status [ , ACF-function-attributes ] ] function-name(
    [ [ ACF-parameter-attributes ] ] parameter-name
    , ...

[ [ ACF-function-attributes ] ] function-name(
    [fault_status [ , ACF-parameter-attributes ] ] parameter-name
    ... );


Specifies zero or more ACF function attributes such as fault_status and nocode. Function attributes are enclosed in square brackets. Note that zero or more attributes can be applied to a function. Separate multiple function attributes with commas. Also note that if fault_status appears as a function attribute, it cannot also appear as a parameter attribute.


Specifies the name of the function as defined in the IDL file.


Specifies attributes that apply to a parameter. Note that zero or more attributes can be applied to the parameter. Parameter attributes are enclosed in square brackets. Separate multiple parameter attributes with commas. IDL parameter attributes, such as directional attributes, are not allowed in the ACF. Note that if fault_status appears as a parameter attribute, it cannot also appear as a function attribute.


Specifies the parameter for the function as defined in the IDL file. Each parameter for the function must be specified in the same sequence, using the same name as defined in the IDL file.



The fault_status attribute can be used as either a function attribute or as a parameter attribute, but it can appear only once per function. It can be applied either to the function or to one parameter in each function.

The fault_status attribute can be applied only to functions that return the type error_status_t. When the remote procedure fails in a way that causes a fault PDU to be returned, an error code is returned.

When fault_status is used as a parameter attribute, the parameter must be an out parameter of type error_status_t. If a server error occurs, the parameter is set to the error code. When the remote call is successfully completed, the procedure sets the value.

The parameter associated with the fault_status attribute does not have to be specified in the IDL file. When the parameter is not specified, a new out parameter of type error_status_t is generated following the last parameter defined in the DCE IDL file.

It is possible for both the fault_status and comm_status attributes to appear in a single function, either as function attributes or parameter attributes. If both attributes are function attributes, or if they apply to the same parameter and no error occurs, the function or parameter has the value error_status_ok. Otherwise, it contains the appropriate status code value. Because values returned for fault_status are different from the values returned for comm_status, the returned values are readily interpreted.

See Also

ACF, comm_status, error_status_t