
[uuid, attribute-list] coclass coclass-name

[, optional-interface-attribute]] interface | dispinterface interface-name


Specifies additional coclass14DDFHT attributes. Separate multiple attributes with commas.


The sourceFGJTDI attribute, which specifies that an interface or dispinterface is outgoing, is the only other attribute that can be used here.



 [ uuid(. . .), helpstring("Hello Class"),appobject]  coclass Hello

    { [default] interface IHello;

               interface IDispatch;




The default attribute Indicates that the interfaceXOX9ZN or dispinterface2_FRZT3, defined within a coclass, represents the default programmability interface. This attribute is intended for use by macro languages.

A coclass may have at most two default members. One represents the outgoing (source) interface or dispinterface, and the other represents the incoming (sink) interface or dispinterface. If the default attribute is not specified for any member of the coclass or cotype, the first outgoing and incoming members that do not have the restricted attribute are treated as the defaults.



See Also

TYPEFLAGS, ODL File Syntax, ODL File Example, Generating a Type Library With MIDL