
typedef [context_handle [ , type-attribute-list ] ] type-specifier declarator-list;

[context_handle [, function-attr-list ] ] type-specifier [ptr-decl] function-name(
    [ [parameter-attribute-list] ] type-specifier [declarator]
    , ...

[ [ function-attr-list ] ] type-specifier [ ptr-decl ] function-name(
    [context_handle [ , parameter-attribute-list ] ] type-specifier [declarator]
    , ...

[ void __RPC_USER context-handle-type_rundown (context-handle-type); ]


Specifies one or more attributes that apply to the type.


Specifies a pointer type or a type identifier. An optional storage specification can precede type-specifier.

declarator and declarator-list

Specifies standard C declarators, such as identifiers, pointer declarators, and array declarators. The declarator for a context handle must include at least one pointer declarator. For more information, see pointersH20NZW and arrays1EV5ZM5. The declarator-list consists of one or more declarators, separated by commas. The parameter-name identifier in the function declarator is optional.


Specifies zero or more attributes that apply to the function. Valid function attributes are callback, local; the pointer attribute ref, unique, or ptr; and the usage attributes string, ignore, and context_handle.


Specifies zero or more pointer declarators. A pointer declarator is the same as the pointer declarator used in C; it is constructed from the * designator, modifiers such as far, and the qualifier const.


Specifies the name of the remote procedure.


Specifies zero or more directional attributes, field attributes, usage attributes, and pointer attributes appropriate for the specified parameter type. Separate multiple attributes with commas.


Specifies the identifier that specifies the context handle type as defined in a typedef declaration that takes the context_handle attribute. The rundown routine is optional.



typedef [context_handle] void * PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE;

short RemoteFunc1([out] PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE * pCxHandle);

short RemoteFunc2([in, out] PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE * pCxHandle);




The context_handle attribute identifies a binding handle that maintains context, or state information, on the server between remote procedure calls. The attribute can appear as an IDL typedef type attribute, as a function return type attribute, or as a parameter attribute.

When you use the MIDL 3.0 compiler in default mode, a context handle can be any pointer type selected by the user, as long as it complies with the requirements for context handles described following. The data associated with such a context handle type is not transmitted on the network and should only be manipulated by the server application. DCE IDL compilers restrict context handles to pointers of type void *. Therefore this feature is not available when you use the MIDL compiler /osf switch.

As with other handle types, the context handle is opaque to the client application and any data associated with it is not transmitted. On the server, the context handle serves as a handle on active context and all data associated with the context handle type is accessible.

To create a context handle, the client passes to the server an out, ref pointer to a context handle. (The context handle itself can have a null or non-null value, as long as its value is consistent with its pointer attributes. For example, when the context handle type has the ref attribute applied to it, it cannot have a null value.) Another binding handle must be supplied to accomplish the binding until the context handle is created. When no explicit handle is specified, implicit binding is used. When no implicit_handle attribute is present, an auto handle is used.

The remote procedure on the server creates an active context handle. The client must use that context handle as an in or in, out parameter in subsequent calls. An in-only context handle can be used as a binding handle, so it must have a non-null value. An in-only context handle does not reflect state changes on the server.

On the server, the called procedure can interpret the context handle as needed. For example, the called procedure can allocate heap storage and use the context handle as a pointer to this storage.

To close a context handle, the client passes the context handle as an in, out argument. The server must return a null context handle when it is no longer maintaining context on behalf of the caller. For example, if the context handle represents an open file and the call closes the file, the server must set the context handle to NULL and return it to the client. A null value is invalid as a binding handle on subsequent calls.

A context handle is only valid for one server. When a function has two handle parameters and the context handle is not null, the binding handles must refer to the same address space.

When a function has an in or an in, out context handle, its context handle can be used as the binding handle. In this case, implicit binding is not used and the implicit_handle or auto_handle attribute is ignored.

The following restrictions apply to context handles:

    Context handles cannot be array elements, structure members, or union members. They can only be parameters.

    Context handles cannot have the transmit_as or represent_as attribute.

    Parameters that are pointers to out context handles must be ref pointers.

    An in context handle can be used as the binding handle and cannot be null.

    An in, out context handle can be null on input, but only if the procedure has another explicit handle parameter.

    A context handle cannot be used with callbacks.


See Also

auto_handle, handle, handles, Context Handles, Server Context Rundown Routine, Client Context Reset