
The cmc_free function frees memory allocated by the message service through another CMC function.

Quick Info

Header file:



CMC_return_code cmc_free (

    CMC_buffer memory







[in] Pointer to memory previously allocated by CMC. The cmc_free function ignores a parameter value of NULL. After this function completes, the pointer to memory is invalid, and the application cannot reference it again.


Return Values


There was a general failure that does not fit the description of any other return value.


A memory pointer passed is invalid.



Results of the cmc_free function are unpredictable if the client application calls it with a base pointer to a memory block not allocated by the message service, a base pointer to a memory block already freed, or a nonbase pointer to a complex structure written by another CMC function.

The CMC functions cmc_list, cmc_look_up, cmc_query_configuration, and cmc_read can provide the client application with a base pointer to a complex structure containing several levels of pointers. The client application should free the entire structure or structure array by calling cmc_free with the base pointer.

See Also

cmc_list, cmc_look_up, cmc_query_configuration, cmc_read