
midl /pack packing_level


Specifies the packing level of structures in the target system. The packing-level value can be set to 1, 2, 4, or 8.



midl /pack 2 filename.idl

midl /pack 8 bar.idl



The /pack switch is the same as the /Zp9BUG5_ option. The /pack switch designates the packing level of structures in the target system. The packing-level value corresponds to the /Zp option value used by the Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 compiler. For more information, see your Microsoft C/C++ programming documentation.

Specify the same packing level when you invoke the MIDL compiler and the C compiler. The default is 8.

For a discussion of the potential dangers in using nonstandard packing levels, see the /Zp help topic.

See Also

General MIDL Command-line Syntax, /env, /Zp