
midl /cpp_cmd  C_preprocessor_command 


Specifies the command that invokes the C preprocessor. This command allows you to override the default C preprocessor. By default, MIDL invokes the Microsoft C compiler for the build environment you are using.



midl /cpp_cmd "cl386" /cpp_opt "/E" filename.idl

midl /cpp_cmd "mycpp" /DFLAG=TRUE /Ic:\tmp filename.idl

midl /cpp_opt "/E /DFLAG=TRUE" filename.idl



The /cpp_cmd switch specifies the C-compiler preprocessor that the MIDL compiler uses to preprocess the IDL and ACF files. When this switch is present, the C_preprocessor_command option is required.

When the specified C preprocessor does not direct its output to stdout, you must specify the C compiler switch that redirects output to stdout as part of the MIDL compiler /cpp_opt switch.

The C preprocessor is invoked by a command string that is formed from the information provided to the MIDL compiler /cpp_cmd, /cpp_opt, /D, /I, and /U switches. The following table summarizes how the command string is constructed for each combination of /cpp_cmd and /cpp_opt switches:

/cpp_cmd present?

/cpp_opt present?




Invokes specified C compiler with specified options. You must supply /E as part of /cpp_opt



Invokes specified C compiler with settings obtained from MIDL /I, /D, /U switches. Adds C compiler /E switch



Invokes Microsoft C compiler with specified options. Does not use MIDL /I, /D, /U options. You must supply /E as part of /cpp_opt



Invokes Microsoft C compiler with /E option only


When the /cpp_cmd switch is not specified, the MIDL compiler invokes the Microsoft C/C++ compiler for that environment.

When the /cpp_opt switch is not present, the MIDL compiler concatenates the string specified by the /cpp_cmd switch with the information specified by the MIDL /I, /D, and /U options. The string /E is also concatenated to the C-compiler invocation string to indicate that the C compiler should perform preprocessing only. The MIDL compiler uses the concatenated string to invoke the C preprocessor for each IDL and ACF source file.

When the /cpp_opt switch is present, the MIDL compiler concatenates the string specified by the /cpp_cmd switch with the string specified by the /cpp_opt switch. The MIDL compiler uses the concatenated string to invoke the C preprocessor for each IDL and ACF source file. When the /cpp_opt switch is present, neither the MIDL compiler options specified by the /I, /D, and /U switches nor the C compiler switch /E is concatenated with the string. You must supply the /E option as part of the string.

See Also

/cpp_opt, General MIDL Command-line Syntax, /no_cpp