The Windows
Sockets WSAGetLastError function gets the error status for the last
operation which failed.
int WSAGetLastError (void);
This function
returns the last network error that occurred. When a particular Windows Sockets
function indicates that an error has occurred, this function should be called
to retrieve the appropriate error code. This error code may be different from
the error code obtained from getsockopt SO_ERROR.
A successful
function call, or a call to WSAGetLastError, does not reset the error
code. To reset the error code, use the WSASetLastError function call
with iError set to zero.
This function
should not be used to check for an error value on receipt of an asynchronous
message. In this case, the error value is passed in the lParam field of
the message, and this may differ from the value returned by WSAGetLastError.
Return Values
The return
value indicates the error code for this thread s last Windows Sockets operation that failed.
See Also