Send the
WM_CHOOSEFONT_GETLOGFONT message to a Font dialog box to retrieve information
about the user s current font selections.
wParam = 0; // not used, must be zero
lParam = (LPLOGFONT) lplf; // address of struct.
with font data
Pointer to a LOGFONT
Return Values
This message
does not return a value.
The ChooseFont
Use the
WM_CHOOSEFONT_GETLOGFONT message to get information about the user s current
font selections while the Font dialog box is open. For example, if you enable
the Apply button in the Font dialog box, send the message to get the font
information to apply to the current text selection.
you enable a CFHookProc hook procedure to process WM_COMMAND messages
for the Apply button. When the user clicks the Apply button, the hook procedure
sends the WM_CHOOSEFONT_GETLOGFONT message to the dialog box.
See Also