[New - Windows NT]

The WIN_TRUST_SIP_SUBJECT structure identifies the subject to be evaluated by a Subject Interface Package (SIP). A SIP is a third-party component of the WinTrust service that can evaluate a subject to verify its authenticity. 

typedef struct _WIN_TRUST_SIP_SUBJECT { 

    GUID *                  SubjectType;

    WIN_TRUST_SUBJECT       Subject;





Pointer to a GUIDWWEPKN structure that identifies the type of subject to be evaluated. The value of this member determines the type of data pointed to by the Subject member.

Each SIP supports a unique set of subject types that it can evaluate. For information about specific subject types, see the documentation for the individual SIPs.


Pointer to data that the SIP uses to access the subject. The format of this data depends on the type of subject.

See Also

WinTrustSubjectCheckContentInfo, WinTrustSubjectEnumCertificates, WinTrustSubjectGetCertHeader, WinTrustSubjectGetCertificate, WinTrustSubjectGetName