
The UlValidateParms macro calls an internal function to check the parameters client applications have passed to service providers and MAPI.

Quick Info

Header file:


Implemented by:


Called by:

Service providers


HRESULT UlValidateParms(

    METHODS eMethod,


    LPVOID First







[in] Specifies, by enumeration, the method to validate.


[in] Pointer to the first argument on the stack.


Return Values


The call succeeded and has returned the expected value or values.


An error of unexpected or unknown origin prevented the operation from completing.



Parameters passed between MAPI and service providers are assumed to be correct and undergo only debug validation with the CheckParmsJ6T9L3 macro. Providers should check all parameters passed in by client applications, but clients should assume that MAPI and provider parameters are correct. Use the HR_FAILED macro to test return values.

The UlValidateParms macro is called differently depending on whether the calling code is C or C++. This macro is used to validate parameters for the few IUnknown and MAPI methods that return ULONG rather than HRESULT values; the ValidateParms4TYA_RY macro works for all others.

For more information on parameter validation, see Validating Parameters to Interface MethodsI2_D3U.