StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes  LI.WNJ

Opens an existing storage object that does not reside in a disk file, but instead has an underlying byte array provided by the caller.

WINOLEAPI StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes(

    ILockBytes * plkbyt,

//Points to the ILockBytes interface on the underlying byte array

    IStorage * pStgPriority,

//Points to a previous opening of a root storage object

    DWORD grfMode,

//Specifies the access mode for the object

    SNB snbExclude,

//Points to an SNB structure specifying elements to be excluded

    DWORD reserved,

//Reserved, must be zero

    IStorage ** ppstgOpen

//Points to location for returning the storage object






[in] ILockBytes pointer to the underlying byte array object that contains the storage object to be opened.


[in] Most often NULL. If not NULL, this parameter is used instead of the plkbyt parameter to specify the storage object to open. In this case, it points to the IStorage interface on a previously opened root storage object, most often one that was opened in priority mode.

After the StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes function returns, the storage object specified in the pStgPriority parameter on function entry is invalid, and can no longer be used; use the one specified in the ppStgOpen parameter instead.


[in] Specifies the access mode to use to open the storage object.


[in] May be NULL. If not NULL, this parameter points to a block of elements in this storage that are to be excluded as the storage object is opened. This exclusion occurs independent of whether a snapshot copy happens on the open. .


[in] Indicates reserved for future use; must be zero.


[out] Points to the location of an IStorage pointer to the opened storage on successful return.


Return Values


The storage object was successfully opened.


The specified byte array does not exist.


Access denied because the caller has insufficient permission, or another caller has the file open and locked.


Access denied because another caller has the file open and locked.


The byte array exists but is not a storage object.


The storage object was not opened because there are too many open files.


The storage object was not opened due to a lack of memory.


Either  pwcsName or snbExclude contains an invalid name.


Either snbExclude, pwcsName, pstgPriority, or ppStgOpen contains an invalid pointer.


The grfMode parameter contains a bad flag combination.


The access mode STGM_DELETEONRELEASE was specified in the grfMode parameter.


The DLL being used to open this storage object is a version prior to the one used to create it.


The storage object being opened was created by the Beta 1 storage provider. This format is no longer supported.


File system error return values.

ILockBytes5AUHTW6 interface error return values.


StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes opens the specified root storage object. The storage object is opened according to the access mode in the grfMode parameter; a pointer to the IStorage interface on the opened storage object is supplied through the ppstgOpen parameter.

The storage object must have been previously created by the StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes12AXX34 function.

Except for specifying a programmer-provided byte-array object, StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes is similar to the StgOpenStorage function. For more information, refer to StgOpenStorage1J2E0Y3.

See Also

StgOpenStorage, StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes