
The SnmpExtensionInitEx function identifies any additional management information base (MIB) subtrees the extension agent supports. The extensible agent calls the SnmpExtensionInitEx function in the extension agent DLL during the extensible agent s service startup.

BOOL SnmpExtensionInitEx(

    AsnObjectIdentifier *supportedView

// pointer to next MIB subtree






[out] Pointer to an AsnObjectIdentifier structure that specifies the next MIB subtree that the extension agent supports.


Return Values

If the supportedView parameter has been initialized with an additional MIB subtree, the return value is TRUE.

If there are no more MIB subtrees to register, the return value is FALSE.


The extensible agent repeatedly calls the SnmpExtensionInitEx function entry point so extension agents can register support for additional MIB subtrees. The extension agent must keep track of which MIB subtrees have already been registered.

See Also

SnmpExtensionInit, AsnObjectIdentifier