SetTokenInformation  6_B.PE 

The SetTokenInformation function sets various types of information for a specified access token. The information it sets replaces existing information. The calling process must have appropriate access rights to set the information.

BOOL SetTokenInformation(

    HANDLE TokenHandle,

// handle of access token

    TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass,

// type of information to set

    LPVOID TokenInformation,

// address of information to set

    DWORD TokenInformationLength

// size of information buffer






Identifies the access token for which information is to be set.


Specifies a variable of the TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASSZ2C1H2 enumerated type identifying the type of information the function sets. The valid values from TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS are TokenOwner, TokenPrimaryGroup, and TokenDefaultDacl. For more information about these values, see the description of the TokenInformation parameter, following.


Points to a buffer containing the information set in the access token. The structure of this buffer depends on the type of information specified by the TokenInformationClass parameter. The following three values are valid in calls to this function:

Token Information Class

Structure Provided


TOKEN_OWNER1369G97 structure. The TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT access right is needed to set owner information. A valid owner value is a user or group identifier with an attribute allowing assignment as the owner of objects.


TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP21RZUL3 structure. The TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT access right is needed to set primary group information.


TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL2UQC8WE structure. The TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT access right is needed to set information in the default discretionary access-control list (ACL). The ACL structure provided as a new default discretionary ACL is not validated for correctness or consistency. If the TokenInformation parameter is NULL, the current default discretionary ACL is removed and no replacement is established.


The formats for the structures this function can set are listed in the following Remarks section.


Specifies the length, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by TokenInformation.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError11C2VS7.


To set privilege information, an application can call the AdjustTokenPrivileges function. To set a token s groups, an application can call the AdjustTokenGroups function.

Token-type information can be set only when an access token is created.

See Also

AdjustTokenGroups, AdjustTokenPrivileges, GetTokenInformation, OpenProcessToken, OpenThreadToken, TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS, TOKEN_OWNER, TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP