ScreenSaverProc  174CSUS 

The ScreenSaverProc function receives messages sent to the specified screen saver window.

LONG ScreenSaverProc(

    HWND hWnd,

// handle of screen saver window

    UINT message,

// message

    WPARAM wParam,

// first message parameter

    LPARAM lParam

// second message parameter






Identifies the window.


Specifies the message.


Specifies additional message-specific information.


Specifies additional message-specific information.


Return Values

The return value is the result of the message processing and depends on the message sent.


A screen saver s ScreenSaverProc window procedure should use the DefScreenSaverProc function instead of the DefWindowProc function to provide default message processing. The DefScreenSaverProc function passes any messages that do not affect screen saver operations to DefWindowProc.

The ScreenSaverProc function must be exported by including it in the EXPORTS statement in the application s module-definition (.DEF) file.

See Also

DefScreenSaverProc, DefWindowProc