Contains information that defines a logical font for use with vector graphics output. The lfHeight and lfWidth members must be in the same logical units as all of the other drawing commands. For a description of the members, see the LOGFONT5M4ITK structure.

typedef struct SOLOGFONTtag { 
    INT lfHeight;                   // font height

    INT lfWidth;                    // font width

    INT lfEscapement;               // angle of text line

    INT lfOrientation;              // angle of character baseline

    INT lfWeight;                   // font weight

    BYTE lfItalic;                  // italics

    BYTE lfUnderline;               // underline

    BYTE lfStrikeOut;               // strikeout

    BYTE lfCharSet;                 // character set

    BYTE lfOutputPrecision;         // output precision

    BYTE lfClipPrecision;           // clipping precision

    BYTE lfQuality;                 // output quality

    BYTE lfPitchAndFamily;          // pitch and family of font

    BYTE lfFaceName[SOLF_FACESIZE]; // typeface name of font