
The SCommentRestriction structure describes a comment restriction, which is used to annotate a restriction.

Quick Info

Header file:



typedef struct _SCommentRestriction

     ULONG          cValues;

     LPSRestriction lpRes;

     LPSPropValue   lpProp;

} SCommentRestriction;




Count of property values in the array pointed to by the lpProp member.


Pointer to an SRestriction1TRSEKP structure.


Pointer to an array of SPropValue81C9._8 structures, each containing information about a property.



The SCommentRestriction structure can be used to keep application-specific information with a restriction. For example, a client saving the name of a named property used in a property restriction can do so in an SCommentRestriction structure. Saving the name is not possible in a property restriction; the SPropertyRestriction17NEYZK structure holds only the property tag.

Comment restrictions are ignored by the IMAPITable::Restrict23_KZ0W method. There is no effect on the rows returned by the IMAPITable::QueryRowsKPHHB method after an IMAPITable::Restrict call has been made.

See Also

SPropValue, SRestriction