RasAdminGetErrorString  12.JZ4R 

[New - Windows NT]

The RasAdminGetErrorString function retrieves a message string that corresponds to a RAS error code returned by one of the RAS server administration (RasAdmin) functions. These message strings are retrieved from the RASMSG.DLL that is installed as part of RAS.

DWORD RasAdminGetErrorString (

    UINT ResourceId,

// error code to get message for

    WCHAR *lpszString,

// pointer to a buffer that receives the error string

    DWORD InBufSize

// size, in characters, of the buffer






Specifies an error code returned by one of the RasAdmin functions. This value must be in the range of error codes from RASBASE to RASBASEEND that are defined in RASERROR.H.


Pointer to a buffer that receives the error message corresponding to the specified error code.


Specifies the size, in characters, of the lpszString buffer. Error messages are typically 80 characters or less; a buffer size of 512 characters is always adequate.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value is an error code. This value can be a last error value set by the LoadLibrary1VGHBF8, GlobalAllocF12W9., or LoadString53JMQZ functions; or it can be one of the following error codes.




The ResourceId or lpszString parameters are invalid.


The size specified by the InBufSize parameter is too small.


Do not call GetLastError to get error information for this function.


The RasAdmin functions can return error codes that are not in the range supported by the RasAdminGetErrorString function. For example, the RasAdmin functions can return error codes that are defined in LMERR.H and WINERROR.H. Before calling RasAdminGetErrorString, verify that the error code is in the range RASBASE to RASBASEEND, as defined in RASERROR.H.

See Also

LoadLibrary, GlobalAlloc, LoadString