#define rpc_binding_vector_t RPC_BINDING_VECTOR

typedef struct _RPC_BINDING_VECTOR { 

    unsigned long       Count;

    RPC_BINDING_HANDLE  BindingH[1];




Specifies the number of binding handles present in the binding-handle array BindingH.


Specifies an array of binding handles that contains Count elements.



The binding-vector data structure contains a list of binding handles over which a server application can receive remote procedure calls.

The binding vector contains a count member (Count), followed by an array of binding-handle (BindingH) elements.

The RPC run-time library creates binding handles when a server application registers protocol sequences. To obtain a binding vector, a server application calls the RpcServerInqBindings routine.

A client application obtains a binding vector of compatible servers from the name-service database by calling the RpcNsBindingLookupNext routine.

In both routines, the RPC run-time library allocates memory for the binding vector. An application calls the RpcBindingVectorFree routine to free the binding vector.

To remove an individual binding handle from the vector, the application must set the value in the vector to NULL. When setting a vector element to NULL, the application must:

    Free the individual binding

    Not change the value of Count


Calling the RpcBindingFree routine allows an application to both free the unwanted binding handle and set the vector entry to a NULL value.

See Also

RpcBindingVectorFree, RpcEpRegister, RpcEpRegisterNoReplace, RpcEpUnregister, RpcNsBindingExport, RpcNsBindingLookupNext, RpcNsBindingSelect, RpcServerInqBindings