Address of an
INKINGINFO structure, which is initialized with default values.
Return Value
The targeted
windows in the application should return 1 to customize inking information. A
return value of 0 results in default inking behavior.
beginning default pen input, Windows sends PE_GETINKINGINFO to all the windows
specified by the htrgTarget member of the TARGET
The default
values are the same as those used when StartInking
The hrgnClip
member of the INKINGINFO structure temporarily contains the index of the
target in the TARGINFO structure retrieved by the PE_SETTARGETS message.
Note that this is an overloading of this member to identify the targets. If the
htrgTarget window specified in the TARGET structure returns 1 to
this message, the following actions are taken:
If both the PII_INKPENTIP and
PII_RECTCLIP flags are set, the pen tip specified by the tip member of
the INKINGINFO structure is saved and used whenever the pen goes down
within the area defined by the rectClip member. In most cases, the ink
color changes at or near the clipping boundary, even when the pen is dragged
over it. Because inking is done on a per-segment basis, there may be a slight
overlap of color near a common boundary.
If the width given in the tip
member is 0, no ink will appear within the area specified by the rectClip
member. Password fields can be implemented using this technique.
is clear (0), any ink dropped within the area specified by the rectClip
member is not removed at the termination of the collection. The ink edit
control, for example, uses this technique. However, the parent window can
override this default behavior when it finally receives a PE_GETINKINGINFO
message after all its targets have been called.
If the PII_INKSTOP flag is set,
the rectInkStop member is folded into the region specified by the hrgnInkStop
member, which is used in calls to the StartInking function. When inking
stops due to a pen-down event in the rectInkStop rectangle, a WM_PENMISC
message with the PMSC_INKSTOP submessage is sent to the window specified by the
htrgTarget member of the TARGET structure. lParam is the same as in the
PE_PENDOWN message that caused the inking to stop. As with PII_SAVEBACKGROUND, hwnd
can override the preprocessed values accumulated by the targets.
For further
information about PE_GETINKINGINFO, see Chapter 2, Starting Out with System Defaults.
See Also