NDdeShareSetInfo  12CAJRV 

The NDdeShareSetInfo function is called to modify DDE share information stored in the NetDDE DSDM. This is usually done after editing.

UINT NDdeShareSetInfo(

    LPTSTR lpszServer,

// server to execute on

    LPTSTR lpszShareName,

// name of share

    UINT nLevel,

// information level must be 2

    LPBYTE lpBuffer,

// address of NDDESHAREINFO

    DWORD cBufSize,

// size of buffer

    WORD sParmNum

// parameter index






Address of the server name on which the DSDM will be modified.


Address of the share name whose information is to be modified in the DSDM. This parameter must not be NULL.


Must be 2.


Address of the NDDESHAREINFO4WT._8I structure that defines the new DDE share information to be stored in the DSDM. Currently the DDE share information is modified as a whole, that is, no partial edits are made. This parameter must not be NULL.


Size of the DDE share information addressed by lpBuffer.


Parameter index being modified. The current implementation does not support partial modification and, hence, this value must be 0.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is NDDE_NO_ERROR.

If the function fails, the return value is an error code, which can be translated into a text error message by calling NDdeGetErrorStringI0Y5FJ.

See Also