The MakeAbsoluteSD
function creates a security descriptor in absolute format by using a security
descriptor in self-relative format as a template.
BOOL MakeAbsoluteSD(
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor, |
// address
self-relative SD |
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pAbsoluteSecurityDescriptor, |
// address of
absolute SD |
LPDWORD lpdwAbsoluteSecurityDescriptorSize, |
// address of size
of absolute SD |
PACL pDacl, |
// address of
discretionary ACL |
LPDWORD lpdwDaclSize, |
// address of size
of discretionary ACL |
PACL pSacl, |
// address of
system ACL |
LPDWORD lpdwSaclSize, |
// address of size
of system ACL |
PSID pOwner, |
// address of owner
LPDWORD lpdwOwnerSize, |
// address of size
of owner SID |
PSID pPrimaryGroup, |
// address of
primary-group SID |
LPDWORD lpdwPrimaryGroupSize |
// address of size
of group SID |
); |
Points to a
buffer that the function fills with the main body of an absolute-format
security descriptor. This information is formatted as a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
Points to a
variable specifying the size of the buffer pointed to by the pAbsoluteSecurityDescriptor
parameter. If the buffer is not large enough for the security descriptor, the
function fails and sets this variable to the minimum required size.
Points to a
buffer the function fills with the discretionary access-control list (ACL
Points to a
variable specifying the size of the buffer pointed to by the pDacl
parameter. If the buffer is not large enough for the ACL, the function fails
and sets this variable to the minimum required size.
Points to a
buffer the function fills with the system ACL of the absolute-format security
descriptor. The main body of the absolute-format security descriptor references
this pointer.
Points to a
variable specifying the size of the buffer pointed to by the pSacl
parameter. If the buffer is not large enough for the ACL, the function fails
and sets this variable to the minimum required size.
Points to a
buffer the function fills with the security identifier (SID) of the owner of
the absolute-format security descriptor. The main body of the absolute-format
security descriptor references this pointer.
Points to a
variable specifying the size of the buffer pointed to by the pOwner
parameter. If the buffer is not large enough for the SID, the function fails
and sets this variable to the minimum required size.
Points to a
buffer the function fills with the SID of the absolute-format security
descriptor s primary group. The main body of the absolute-format security
descriptor references this pointer.
Points to a
variable specifying the size of the buffer pointed to by the pPrimaryGroup
parameter. If the buffer is not large enough for the SID, the function fails
and sets this variable to the minimum required size.
Return Values
If the
function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the
function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information,
call GetLastError
A security
descriptor in absolute format contains pointers to the information it contains,
rather than the information itself. A security descriptor in self-relative
format contains the information in a contiguous block of memory. In a self-relative
security descriptor, a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
A server that
copies secured objects to various media can use the MakeAbsoluteSD
function to create an absolute security descriptor from a self-relative
security descriptor and the MakeSelfRelativeSD function to create a
self-relative security descriptor from an absolute security descriptor.
See Also