
Specifies the full path to a 16-bit local server application.

Registry Entry

    \LocalServer = <
full path>

Value Entries

<full path>

Specifies the full path to the local server, and can include command-line arguments.



OLE 2 appends the  -Embedding  flag to the string, so the application that uses flags must parse the whole string and check for the -Embedding flag.

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{ 00000402-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

    \LocalServer = c:\samp\isvrotl.exe


To run an OLE object server in a separate memory space (Windows NT 3.5 and above only), change the LocalServer key in the registry for the CLSID to the following:

cmd /c start /separate <path.exe


If a container is searching the registry for a local server, a 32-bit local server has priority over a 16-bit local server.

See Also
