The LVM_INSERTITEM message inserts a new item in a list view control. You can send this message explicitly or by using the ListView_InsertItemHITIYR macro.


wParam = 0;

lParam = (LPARAM) (const LV_ITEM FAR *) pitem;




Pointer to an LV_ITEM structure that specifies the attributes of the list view item. The iItem member specifies the index of the new item.

You cannot use ListView_InsertItem or LVM_INSERTITEM to insert subitems; the iSubItem member of the LV_ITEM structure must be zero.


Return Values

Returns the index of the new item if successful or -1 otherwise.


If a list view control has either the LVS_SORTASCENDING or LVS_SORTDESCENDING window style, an LVM_INSERTITEM message will fail if you try to insert an item that has LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK as the pszText member of its LV_ITEM structure.

See Also

ListView_InsertItem, LV_ITEM