
The IXPLogon::EndMessage method informs a transport provider the MAPI spooler has completed its sending pass for the provider.

Quick Info

See IXPLogon : IUnknownHVE6L8.


HRESULT EndMessage(

    ULONG ulMsgRef,


    ULONG FAR * lpulFlags







[in] A 32-bit reference value, specific to a message, obtained in an earlier call to the IXPLogon::SubmitMessage1ZHZV4 method.


[out] Bitmask of flags that indicates to the MAPI spooler what it should do with the message. If no flags are set, the message has been sent. The following flags can be set:


The transport provider has all the information it needs about this message for now. When the transport provider requires more information or when it has completed sending the message, it notifies the MAPI spooler by calling the IMAPISupport::SpoolerNotifyRYSE6K method with the NOTIFY_SENTDEFERRED flag and by passing the message s entry identifier.


The transport provider isn t sending the message now for reasons that are not error conditions and should be called again later to send the message.


The transport provider needs to restart the message passed to it in an IMessage::SubmitMessage6BOP2F method call.


Return Values


The call succeeded and has returned the expected value or values.



The MAPI spooler calls the IXPLogon::EndMessage method after completing the processing involved in providing extended delivery or nondelivery information.

Once this call returns, the value in the ulMsgRef parameter is no longer valid for this message. The transport provider can reuse the same value on a future message.

All objects opened by the transport provider during the transfer of a message should be released before returning from the EndMessage call, with the exception of the message object the MAPI spooler passes to the transport provider. The message object passed by the MAPI spooler is invalid after the EndMessage call.

See Also

IMAPISupport::SpoolerNotify, IMessage::SubmitMessage, IXPLogon::SubmitMessage