IStorage::CreateStream  MGICYM

Creates and opens a stream object with the specified name contained in this storage object. All elements within a storage object   both streams and other storage objects   are kept in the same name space.

HRESULT CreateStream(

    const WCHAR * pwcsName,

//Points to the name of the new stream

    DWORD grfMode,

//Access mode for the new stream

    DWORD reserved1,

//Reserved; must be zero

    DWORD reserved2,

//Reserved; must be zero

    IStream ** ppstm

//Points to new stream object






[in] Points to a wide character string that contains the name of the newly created stream. This name can be used later to open or reopen the stream.


[in] Specifies the access mode to use when opening the newly created stream. See the STGMJWLKYA enumeration values for descriptions of the possible values.


[in] Reserved for future use; must be zero.


[in] Reserved for future use; must be zero.


[out] On return, points to the location of the new IStream8MD3QE interface pointer. This is only valid if the operation is successful. When an error occurs, this parameter is set to NULL.

Return Values


The new stream was successfully created


Asynchronous Storage only: Part or all of the necessary data is currently unavailable. For more information see IFillLockBytes194LHM2 and Asynchronous Storage27PL.UQ.


Insufficient permissions to create stream.


The name specified for the stream already exists in the storage object and the grfmode flag includes the flag STGM_FAILIFTHERE.


The stream was not created due to a lack of memory.


The value specified for the grfMode flag is not a valid STGMJWLKYA enumeration value.


The specified combination of grfMode flags is not supported. For example, if this method is called without the STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE flag.


Invalid value for pwcsName.


The pointer specified for the stream object was invalid.


One of the parameters was invalid.


The storage object has been invalidated by a revert operation above it in the transaction tree.


The stream was not created because there are too many open files.


If a stream with the name specified in the pwcsName parameter already exists and the grfMode parameter includes the STGM_CREATE flag, the existing stream is replaced by a newly created one. Both the destruction of the old stream and the creation of the new stream object are subject to the transaction mode on the parent storage object.

If the stream already exists and grfMode is set to STGM_FAILIFTHERE, this method fails with the return value STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS.

See Also

IStorage - Compound File Implementation, IStorage::OpenStream, IStream