ISimpleFrameSite::PreMessageFilter  22US4VM

Provides a site with the opportunity to process a message that is received by a control s own window before the control itself does any processing.

HRESULT PreMessageFilter(

    HWND hWnd ,

//Handle of window receiving message

    UINT msg ,

//Received message

    WPARAM wp ,

//WPARAM of message

    LPARAM lp ,

//LPARAM of message

    LRESULT* plResult ,

//Pointer to variable to receive result of message processing

    DWORD* pdwCookie

//Pointer to a variable used later






[in] Handle of the control window receiving the message.


[in] Message received by the simple frame site.


[in] The WPARAM of the message.


[in] The LPARAM of the message.


[out] Pointer to the address of the result variable to receive the result of the message processing.


[out] Pointer to the DWORD variable that will be passed to PostMessageFilter if it is called later. This parameter should only contain allocated data if this method returns S_OK so it will also receive a call to PostMessageFilter which can free the allocation. The caller is not in any way responsible for anything returned in this parameter.


Return Values


The simple frame site will not use the message in this filter so more processing can take place.


The site has processed the message and no further processing should occur.


The site does not do any message filtering, indicating that PostMessageFilter need not be called later.


The addresses in plResultor pdwCookie are not valid.



Successful return values indicate whether the site wishes to allow further processing. S_OK indicates further processing, whereas S_FALSE means do not process further. S_OK also indicates that the control must later call ISimpleFrameSite::PostMessageFilter.

See Also
