IShellFolder::ParseDisplayName  6K25XK

[Now Supported on Windows NT]

Translates a file object or folder s display name into an item identifier.

HRESULT ParseDisplayName(

    HWND hwndOwner,

// Handle of owner window

    LPBC pbcReserved,

// Reserved

    LPOLESTR lpszDisplayName,

// Pointer to diplay name

    ULONG *pchEaten,

// Pointer to value for parsed characters

    LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl,

// Pointer to new item identifier list

    ULONG *pdwAttributes

// Address receiving attributes of file object






Handle of the owner window that the client should specify if it displays a dialog box or message box.


Reserved; this parameter is always NULL.


Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string specifying the display name. This parameter must be a display name for parsing   that is, a display name retrieved using the SHGDN_FORPARSING value.


Pointer to an unsigned long value that receives the number of characters of the display name that were parsed.


Address that receives a pointer to the new item identifier list for the object. If an error occurs, a NULL is returned in this address.

The returned item identifier list specifies the relative path (from the parent folder) that corresponds to the specified display name. It contains only one SHITEMIDK1L.AQ structure followed by a terminating zero.


Address that receives the attributes of the file object. Can be NULL if the caller does not need attribute data.


Return Values

Returns NOERROR if successful or an OLE-defined error value otherwise.


This method is similar to the    IParseDisplayName::ParseDisplayName method defined by OLE.

See Also

IParseDisplayName::ParseDisplayName, IShellFolder, IShellLink, SHITEMID