IShellBrowser::GetViewStateStream  O5JQ_Y

[Now Supported on Windows NT]

The browser provides an IStream interface as the storage for view-specific state information.

HRESULT GetViewStateStream(

    DWORD grfMode,

// Specifies the mode

    LPSTREAM *ppStrm

// Points to the LPSTREAM variable






Specifiies the read-write access. This may be set to STGM_READ, STGM_WRITE, or STGM_READWRITE. For more information about these values see the STGMJWLKYA enumeration.


Pointer to the address of  the LPSTREAM variable to be filled.


Return Values

Returns NOERROR if successful or an OLE-defined error value otherwise.


Used to save and restore the persistent state for a view. For example, the icon positions the column widths, and the current scroll position.

Notes to Callers:

Use GetViewStateStream when the view is being created to read in the saved view state and when the view is being closed to save any changes to the view state. Typically, the view calls this member with STGM_READ when creating a view window and with STGM_WRITE when the SaveViewState method of its IShellView interface is called.

Notes to Implementors:

Each shell view should have its own view stream. The Explorer implements an MRU (most recently used) list of view streams that are stored on a per-user basis in the registry.

See Also
